Inspire Biology

Inspire Biology

McGraw-Hill Education
Report Release
Review Tool Version
Core: Course

EdReports reviews determine if a program meets, partially meets, or does not meet expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Does Not Meet Expectations

Materials must meet expectations for standards alignment in order to be reviewed for usability. This rating reflects the overall series average.

Usability (Gateway 3)
NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.
Not Eligible
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Title ISBN
International Standard Book Number
Edition Publisher Year
Digital Student Center 9780076716623
Digital Teacher Center 9780076716647
Teacher Edition 9780076884346
Comprehensive Student Bundle 9780076884360
Student Edition 9789921452620

Report for High School

Alignment Summary

The instructional materials reviewed for High School do not meet expectations for Gateway 1: Designed for NGSS. Of the phenomena present in the program, a majority are at the module-level with a few unit-level phenomena, as well as a few unit- and lesson-level problems/design challenges. About half of all phenomena and problems are connected to a grade-band DCI; when this is not the case, a below grade-band DCI is usually present. Phenomena and problems are presented as directly as possible in multiple instances. Almost all presentations consist of an image, text, and video. Only one instance of eliciting prior knowledge is present in all of the phenomena and problems. Across the program, phenomena and problems miss the opportunity to drive learning and at the module-level are only referenced at the beginning and end of the module, when present.

The program consists of six units, each containing 3-6 modules that each include 2-5 lessons. Each unit presents an image and a question to introduce the unit. Students develop a Driving Question Board that they come back to at every module and lesson and are also encouraged to add information from the lessons to a class Summary Table. A STEM Unit Project is also introduced, usually through a text-based scenario. Students return to this activity at the end of every module and are directed to add their learning from the module to the project. Modules are introduced with an image, question, and video. After referencing the DQB from the unit, students start construction of a Claim Evidence Reasoning (CER) statement and return to this at the end of the module. Lessons each start with a topic-based focus question. Throughout the lesson students read text and/or engage with interactive content, answer questions, and complete investigations. 

Across the materials, about half of all modules contain instances of integrating the three dimensions, often at the activity level. Opportunities for sensemaking with the three dimensions are not consistently present. At the module level, learning objectives are three dimensional. At the lesson level, elements from the learning objectives are inconsistently present and often only as DCIs in the Explore and Explain sections. In most cases, formative and summative assessments also do not address the majority of the elements contained within the module-level learning objectives, with the exception of the Applying Practices summative assessments. Performance tasks occur inconsistently across the summative assessments and are also located within the Applying Practices assessments.

Information about learning objectives is provided at the beginning of each module. Learning objectives consist of the Performance Expectations (PEs) and are divided into three categories: Build to, Master, and Expand on. The assessment system is made up of formative and summative assessments. Most formative assessments exist at the module and lesson level. At the module level, the Module Pre-Test is at the beginning of each module and a text reading with a prompt and a return to the CER is at the end of each module. At the lesson level, Get It? prompts and Formative Assessment Checks are present. Both involve a prompt, and either a short answer response or an activity such as making flash cards. The main summative assessments include Lesson Checks and Module Tests which are similar in structure (multiple choice, selected response, short answer) and exist at the end of each lesson and module, respectively. Applying Practices are also part of the summative assessment system. These exist for some lessons in 17 out of 27 modules, are connected to 1-2 PEs from the learning objectives, and in some cases are presented as an uncertain phenomena or problem. 

The program contains online and paper components. In addition to the print student and teacher edition of the textbook, an electronic version can be found online along with interactive content for each lesson, as well as links to videos, worksheets, simulations, and assessments. Additionally, the materials include an optional, online Three-Dimensional Assessment Guide which provides guided and independent practice for students along with teacher support. Prompts include discrete items, stand-alone questions, and performance tasks that can be used either before or after instruction of the topics.

High School
Gateway 1

Designed for NGSS

Gateway 2

Coherence and Scope

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.
Alignment (Gateway 1 & 2)
Does Not Meet Expectations
Usability (Gateway 3)
Not Rated
Overview of Gateway 1

Designed for NGSS

Criterion 1.1: Phenomena and Problems Drive Learning


Materials leverage science phenomena and engineering problems in the context of driving learning and student performance.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School do not meet expectations for Criterion 1a-1f: Phenomena and Problems Drive Learning. 

Across the six units and 27 modules, two unit-level phenomena and 13 module-level phenomena are present. The two unit-level design challenges and two unit-level problems are present within the STEM Unit Projects. Three additional lesson-level problems/design challenges are present, located in a BioLab and the Applying Practices, a form of summative assessment in the program. In cases where a phenomenon is not present, the focus is on a topic or concept. While most problems/design challenges present connect to a grade-band DCI, phenomena connect to a grade-band DCI only in some instances. In other instances, the phenomena are often connected to a below-grade band DCI. Unit-level phenomena are presented as an image and a question. All module-level phenomena are presented as an image, a question, and a video. In some cases the video is disconnected from the image and question, providing distracting information for students. In other cases, what is part of the presentation is not enough for all students to have a common entry point into the phenomenon. Problems are usually presented with a text-based scenario. Across the phenomena and problems present, only one instance of elicitation of prior knowledge occurs in a unit-level problem. Across the materials, there is a missed opportunity for teacher guidance and/or student prompts to share their prior knowledge and experiences as related to the presented phenomena.

Across the program, lesson-level phenomena are not present. Each lesson begins with a content-based Focus Question. At the beginning of each lesson, students are prompted to return to the unit Driving Question Board (DQB) and identify questions they think will be answered in the lesson. They also add the Focus Question to the DQB. Students are reminded to add investigations to their Science Journals and add each reading and activity to the class Summary Table. In each lesson, students read informational text, answer questions, and complete a variety of investigations. The online platform also contains interactive content that reflects the content in the textbook. While some module and unit-level phenomena are present, there is a missed opportunity for them to drive learning across multiple lessons or activities. At the unit level, students do not return to the phenomena that is presented to them. In all module-level phenomena that are present, after being presented with the phenomena, students are prompted to start the claim portion of the Claim Evidence Reasoning response. Students are then prompted to use the lessons within the module to collect evidence and revisit their claim and explain their reasoning at the end of the module. While students iterate on their claim with reasoning at the end of the module, lessons are often stand-alone and topic-focused and miss the opportunity to drive students to figure out the module-level phenomenon.

Indicator 1A

Materials are designed to include both phenomena and problems.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School are designed for students to engage with phenomena: the course includes 15 opportunities to engage with phenomena at the unit and module levels.

The materials include six units, each presenting a “Unit Storyline” and organized into discrete modules. Units vary from three to six modules in length. 33% (2/6) of the units have a unit-level phenomenon which is presented at the beginning of the unit. Modules vary in length from two to five lessons and also begin with a module-level storyline that addresses a topic connected to the “Unit Storyline.” Across the 27 modules, 48% (13/27) present a phenomenon which is addressed at the start and then revisited at the completion of the module with a claim-evidence-reasoning (CER) prompt. In some instances, the components that make up the presentation of the phenomena (images, videos, and questions) are not coherent in how they portray the respective phenomenon. In the Go Further wrap-up activities at the end of each module, the materials do not explicitly cite phenomena; however, there are 11 observable events that provide opportunities for students to analyze data of real-world examples.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School are designed for students to solve problems in seven instances across the course. Two are unit-level design challenges, two are unit-level problems, two are lesson-level problems, and one is a lesson-level design challenge. One of the lesson-level problems is embedded in a BioLab activity in Module 1. The lesson-level design challenge and one of the lesson-level problems are found in activities labeled Applying Practices, which are summative assessments. The unit-level problem and design challenges are performance tasks called STEM Unit Projects that students complete in groups to demonstrate their learning across the unit. 

Examples of phenomena in the course:

  • In Unit 3: Genetics, the unit-level phenomenon is that there are numerous breeds of dogs. Across the modules, students engage in learning about the topics of patterns of inheritance, molecular genetics, and biotechnology. After each reading and activity in the lessons, students record observational evidence in a summary table and describe how it connects to the unit-level phenomenon.

  • In Unit 5: The Diversity of Life, the unit-level phenomenon is that mudskippers adapted to living on land and in water. Across the modules, students engage in learning about the topics of bacteria, viruses, protists, fungi, plants, animals, and animal behavior and diversity. After each reading and activity in the lessons, students record observational evidence in a summary table.

  • In Module 1: The Study of Life, the module-level phenomenon is that sea spiders can survive in sub-zero temperatures. Students develop a claim about whether sea spiders are different from spiders in their backyard. Throughout the module, students read and complete activities relating to characteristics of living things and science inquiry while gathering evidence in science journals and a class summary table. At the end of the module, students complete a CER response to explain whether or not sea spiders are different from spiders in their backyard.

  • In Unit 2, Module 6: Chemistry in Biology, the module-level phenomenon is that a body of water turned bright green. Students make a claim stating what is wrong with the water. While gathering evidence for their claims in science journals and a class summary table, students read and complete activities about the building blocks of matter, conservation of mass in chemical reactions, water and its solutions, and biological macromolecules. At the end of the module, students complete a CER response to explain what is wrong with the water. 

  • In Unit 3, Module 10: Introduction to Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance, the module-level phenomenon is that siblings are not identical. Students make a claim as to why siblings are not identical. While gathering evidence for their claims in science journals and a class summary table, students read and complete activities about Mendelian and applied genetics, genetic recombination and gene linkage, and patterns of inheritance. At the end of the module, students complete a CER response to explain why siblings are not identical.

  • In Unit 4, Module 15: Primate Evolution, the module-level phenomenon is that humans and monkeys have some similar features but some, like noses, are different. Students develop a claim as to why humans have different nose structures than primates. Students gather evidence in science journals and a class summary chart as they read and complete activities about primate, hominoid, Neanderthal, and modern human evolution. At the end of the module, students complete a CER response to explain why humans have a different nose structure than monkeys.

  • In Unit 5, Module 19: Introduction to Plants, the module-level phenomenon is that certain plants have adaptations allowing them to live in harsh conditions, such as in deserts or salt water. While gathering evidence in science journals and a class summary table, students complete activities that involve the concepts of plant evolution, diversity, structure, function, and reproduction. At the end of the module, students complete a CER response to answer the question of why a type of tree is shaped a certain way.

  • In Unit 6, Module 23: Nervous System, the module-level phenomenon is that fingertips are more sensitive than forearms. While gathering evidence in science journals and a class summary table, students complete activities that involve the concepts of the structure and function of neurons, somatic and autonomic nervous systems, transmission of nerve impulses, and the impact of addiction on the nervous system. At the end of the module, students write a CER response at the end of the module to answer why it is a good thing when it hurts to step on toy blocks.

Examples of problems in the course:  

  • In Module 1, Lesson 1, BioLab: How Can You Keep Flowers Fresh?, the lesson-level problem is that freshly cut flowers droop, lose petals, and decay over time. Students research and identify a method to extend the freshness of cut flowers. Students then plan and carry out an investigation to determine one way to extend the freshness of flowers.

  • In Unit 1, Module 3, Lesson 1, Applying Practices: Local Ecosystem Dynamics, the lesson-level problem is how to maintain a stable population of organisms in an ecosystem if the environment is continuously disrupted or changed. Students research changes in a local park or natural habitat, determine if disturbances have caused physical or biological change, and suggest findings to the local governing board about proper management.

  • In Unit 1, Module 5, Lesson 3, Applying Practices: Microbeads, Mega-Problem, the lesson-level design challenge is to develop a solution to decrease microbeads in waterways. Students learn about the problem of microbeads and carry out an engineering design process to develop a solution that decreases the amount of microbeads entering open water ecosystems.

  • In Unit 2, STEM Unit Project: Algae Bloom Remediation, the unit-level problem is nuisance algae blooming in a body of water. Through the engineering design process, students research, develop, test, and evaluate a prototype that solves the problem of algal blooms with minimal disruption to surrounding ecosystems.

  • In Unit 3, STEM Unit Project: Analyze Pest Control Options for Corn Crops, the unit-level problem is damage to corn crops caused by corn borers. Students do a risk/benefit analysis of at least three methods used to control the corn borers. Students then develop a plan for farmers that best protects their crops from corn borers.

  • In Unit 4, STEM Unit Project: Develop a Simulation of Conservation Genetics, the unit-level design challenge is to create a computer or mathematical model that will mitigate extinction. Through the engineering design process, students create a simulation with mathematical tools and computer software that models how to apply conservation genetics to help an endangered species recover from the threat of extinction. 

  • In Unit 5, STEM Unit Project: Biomimetics, the unit-level design challenge is to use a structure or process of a living thing to design a product that can be useful commercially or in the medical field. Students carry out the engineering design process to identify a structure or process of a living thing and determine how it can solve a human problem or meet a need.

Indicator 1B

Phenomena and/or problems require student use of grade-band Disciplinary Core Ideas.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that phenomena and/or problems are connected to grade-band Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs).

Phenomena and problems require student use of grade-band DCIs or their elements, but not consistently. Across the materials, just over half of phenomena are connected to grade-band appropriate DCIs. For phenomena that do not meet the criteria, there is either no associated DCI or lower grade-band DCIs are used. The majority of problems in the materials are designed to help students make sense of grade-band DCIs. In some cases, the problems or design challenges connect to lower grade-band DCIs or only include ETS DCIs, missing the opportunity to require student use of a science content DCI. While phenomena and problems connect to DCIs or their elements in multiple instances, there is a missed opportunity for them to consistently require student use of science DCIs that are appropriate for the high school grade band.

Examples of phenomena and problems that connect to grade-band DCI elements.

  • In Module 1: The Study of Life, the module-level phenomenon is that sea spiders can survive in sub-zero temperatures. In the module opener, students watch a video about organisms that are able to survive in subzero environments. Throughout the module, students read informational text about the eight characteristics of living things: students read about how living things acquire adaptations as they evolve over time (DCI-LS4.C-H2), that organisms are made of one or more cells which are the basic unit of life (DCI-LS1.A-H1), and how they have organized structures that perform specific functions (DCI-LS1.A-H3). At the end of the module, students review the information they have collected in their science journals and class summary table to develop a claim-evidence-reasoning (CER) response that answers the question, “Are sea spiders different from the spiders in your backyard?”

  • In Unit 2, Module 6: Chemistry in Biology, the module-level phenomenon is that a body of water turned bright green. Throughout the module, students read informational texts, engage with interactive content, and complete lab activities about atoms, bonding, physical and chemical changes, water and solutions, biological macromolecules, and how energy and matter are used and recombined to form products (DCI-LS1.C-H3). At the end of the module, students review the information they collected in their science journals and class summary table to develop a CER response that answers the question, “What is wrong with the water?” 

  • In Unit 3, STEM Unit Project: Analyze Pest Control Options for Corn Crops, the unit-level problem is to develop a plan to mitigate damage to corn crops caused by corn borers. Students develop a plan for a farmer to control corn borers' impact on corn crops. Various means of control are evaluated to determine the best methods for control of the pest. Throughout the investigation of the corn borer's impact, students evaluate DNA’s role in passing traits from parent to offspring (DCI-LS3.A-H1). Students evaluate how selective breeding and other mitigation efforts (chemical pesticides, biological controls, and genetic modification) may help control crop damage due to the corn borer. Students are challenged to consider the constraints and challenges of their proposed solutions (DCI-ETS1.A-H2). Students create a 10-minute presentation that details their plan as well as the benefits and consequences of their plan.

  • In Unit 4, STEM Unit Project: Develop a Simulation of Conservation Genetics, the unit-level design challenge is to create a computer or mathematical model that will mitigate extinction. Students research causes of extinction (DCI-LS3.B-H2) and how endangered species can recover when scientists use conservation genetics, including the importance of genetic variation in a population, as a preventative measure in extinction (DCI-LS4.C-H1, DCI-LS4.D-H1). Keeping in mind the constraints of their model (DCI-ETS1.B-H2), students design a computer model of conservation genetics at work. Students create a 10-minute presentation that summarizes their model along with the ways that the simulation shows the impact of conservation genetics on a population.

  • In Unit 4, Module 14: Evolution, the module-level phenomenon is that some animals adapted to look like plants. Students read about types of adaptations including camouflage and mimicry as means of survival and identify the advantages of adaptations where animals are camouflaged as plants (DCI-LS4.C-H2). Through virtual investigations, students explore examples of mimicry in butterflies as well as the benefits of favorable camouflage in certain environments (DCI-LS4.B-H2, DCI-LS4.C-H1). At the end of the module, students review the information they collected in their science journals and class summary table to develop a CER response that answers the question, “Why would an animal try to look like a plant?”

  • In Unit 4, Module 15: Primate Evolution, the module-level phenomenon is that humans and monkeys have some similar features but some, like noses, are different. Students read informational texts, carry out investigations, and utilize interactive simulations about how primates evolved over time and how fossil records and DNA evidence support the evolutionary changes identified in primates over time (DCI-LS4.A-H1, DCI-LS4.C-H4, DCI-LS4.C-H5). At the end of the module, students review the information they collected in their science journals and class summary table to develop a CER response that answers the question, “How do the facial features of these monkeys compare to humans?”

  • In Unit 5, Module 17: Bacteria and Viruses, the module-level phenomenon is that thrombolites, growths found in shallow water, are built up over centuries by microscopic bacterial cells. Students read about bacterial cell structures, adaptations due to environmental factors, and their success or lack of successes to live in extreme environments. Students read about and explain how the structure and ability of bacteria allows them to survive and reproduce in harsh environments (DCI-LS4.C-H2). At the end of the module, students review the information they collected in their science journals and class summary table to develop a CER response that answers the question, “What is alive in this photo?”.

  • In Unit 5, Module 19: Introduction to Plants, the module-level phenomenon is that certain plants have adaptations allowing them to live in harsh conditions, such as in deserts or salt water. Students read about plant structures that evolved over time to allow for their survival and adaptation to environmental demands (DCI-LS4.C-H2). Students observe cuticles of different plants to see variations in plant structures that allow for their survival in different environments. At the end of the module, students review the information they collected in their science journals and class summary table to develop a CER response that answers the question, “Why are these trees shaped this way?”.

  • In Unit 6, Module 23: Nervous System, the module-level phenomenon is that fingertips are more sensitive than forearms. Throughout the module, students read informational text about the structure and organization of the nervous system and sensory organs (DCI-LS1.A-H3) along with the effects of drugs on the nervous system. At the end of the module, students review the information they collected in their science journals and class summary table to develop a CER response that answers the question, “If you step on several toy blocks, it’s going to hurt. Why is this response a good thing?”.

  • In Unit 6, Module 24: Circulatory, Respiratory, and Excretory Systems, the module-level phenomenon is that when pedaling a stationary bike, two individuals' heart rate and rate of oxygen consumption react differently to the exercise. Throughout the module, students read informational text about the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory systems and their response to changes in physical activity (DCI-LS1.A-H4). At the end of the module, students review the information they collected in their science journals and class summary table to develop a CER response that answers the question, “What is the woman’s body doing in response to lifting? Why?”.

Evidence where phenomena and/or problems do not require student use of grade-band Disciplinary Core Ideas.

  • In Module 1, Lesson 1, BioLab: How Can You Keep Cut Flowers Fresh?, the lesson-level problem is that freshly cut flowers droop, lose petals, and decay over time. Students research strategies for extending the life of cut flowers. Students make a hypothesis and then design an experiment to test their hypothesis. Based on the data collected, students describe one solution to extend the freshness of flowers (DCI-ETS1.B-M1.) This problem does not connect to grade-band science DCIs. 

  • In Unit 1, Module 2: Principles of Ecology, the module-level phenomenon is that birds build nests in thorny acacia trees. Throughout the module, students read informational texts, carry out investigations, and utilize interactive simulations about the symbiotic relationships between organisms in an ecosystem (DCI-LS2.A-M1). This phenomenon connects to a DCI below the high school grade band.

  • In Unit 2, STEM Unit Project: Algae Bloom Remediation, the unit-level problem is to develop a solution to decrease the amount of nuisance algae blooming in a body of water. Students collect evidence throughout the unit and study cellular chemistry and biology concepts. During this unit project, they grow algae in a container and research, design, and test a solution to control its growth with minimal disruption to the surrounding ecosystems (DCI-ETS1.B-H1). The materials prompt students to consider characteristics of algae, factors that contribute to the growth of algae, processes of photosynthesis, and the effect of nutrients on algae; however, the scoring rubric only includes engineering and design principles. This design challenge can be completed without connecting to grade-band science DCIs.

  • In Unit 3: Genetics, the unit-level phenomenon is that there are numerous breeds of dogs. Throughout the unit, students read informational texts, carry out investigations, and utilize interactive simulations about the basic and complex patterns of inheritance. Students read about a variety of heritable traits and predict the probability of inheritance using Punnett Squares. Students have the opportunity to model protein synthesis and make connections between proteins and physical traits. The materials also introduce the historical context around the discovery of genetic material, DNA replication as a process, and gene expression (DCI-LS3.A-M1). This phenomenon connects to a DCI below the high school grade band.  

  • In Unit 3, Module 10: Introduction to Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance, the module-level phenomenon is that siblings are not identical. Throughout the module, students read informational texts, carry out investigations, and utilize interactive simulations about gene linkages as well as basic and complex patterns of inheritance observed when parents pass traits to offspring (DCI-LS3.A-M2). Students practice modeling inheritance patterns using Punnett Squares (DCI-LS3.B-M1). This phenomenon connects to DCIs below the high school grade band.  

  • In Unit 4: Module 16: Organizing Life’s Diversity, the module-level phenomenon is that butterflies have a similar structure, but are different colors. Throughout the module, students read informational texts, carry out investigations, and utilize interactive simulations about the history of the classification system and how organisms are placed into categories based on similarities. Students simulate the process of identifying an unknown bacterium by various methods, such as observing the appearance of the organism, its stainability, determining the guanine and cytosine (G+C) base ratio content of its DNA, and sequencing its ribosomal RNA to compare it to known species. This phenomenon does not connect to grade-band science DCIs.

  • In Unit 5: The Diversity of Life, the unit-level phenomenon is that mudskippers adapted to living on land and in water. Throughout the unit, students read informational texts, carry out investigations, and utilize interactive simulations about the characteristics, growth, and reproduction of prokaryotic (bacteria and archaea) and eukaryotic (plants, animals, and fungi) organisms as well as the classifications between various species within each kingdom (DCI-LS1.A-E1). This phenomenon connects to DCIs below the high school grade band. 

  • In Unit 5, STEM Unit Project: Biomimetics, the unit-level design challenge is to use a structure or process of a living thing to design a product that can be useful commercially or in the medical field. Students research various examples of how humans studied advantageous traits in other living organisms and mimicked their structures to achieve a desired function. Students design a product that mimics an organism's natural adaptations to be sold or used in the medical field. Students consider constraints and criteria, such as time and costs, that they use in making their design decisions and as part of their analysis (DCI-ETS1.A-E1). This design challenge connects to an engineering DCI below the high school grade band and does not connect to grade-band science DCIs.

  • In Unit 5, Module 20: Introduction to Animals, the module-level phenomenon is that Madagascar has a vast number of species unique to its island. Throughout the module, students read informational texts, carry out investigations, and utilize interactive simulations about animal characteristics and body parts, including identifying animals living in a pond and examining what organisms eat brine shrimp. Students also examine different body plans and symmetry in animals. The phenomenon does not connect to grade-band science DCIs.

  • In Unit 5, Module 21: Animal Behavior and Diversity, the module-level phenomenon is that animals have similar vocal structures but only humans have the ability to express complex meaning and thought via language. Throughout the module, students read informational texts, carry out investigations, and utilize interactive simulations about mammals, such as placental mammals having a larger, more complex cerebral cortex, as well as information about cognitive behaviors, which are both internal structures that serve various functions (DCI-LS1.A-E1). This phenomenon connects to a DCI below the high school grade band.

Indicator 1C

Phenomena and/or problems are presented to students as directly as possible.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that phenomena and/or problems are presented to students as directly as possible.

Materials present phenomena and/or problems to students as directly as possible in multiple instances. Across the series, one STEM Unit Project, one unit-level phenomenon, and four module-level phenomena are presented as directly as possible. At the module level, the phenomena are presented with a picture, accompanying video, and a focus question. When phenomena or problems are not presented directly as possible, it is common that they are presented as an image or text that limits the opportunity for students to gain an understanding and common entry point as a foundation for their potential explanation or solution.

Examples where materials present phenomena and/or problems to the students as directly as possible: 

  • In Unit 2, STEM Unit Project, Performance Task: Algae Infestation Remediation, the design challenge is to develop a solution to decrease the amount of nuisance algae blooming in a body of water. Students view pictures of algal blooms and read about uncontrolled growth and the harm it causes. Not all students live in an area where algal blooms occur, and text and pictures provide students with access to multiple examples.

  • In Unit 3: Genetics, the unit-level phenomenon is that there are numerous breeds of dogs. The phenomenon is presented to students in a picture showing different dog breeds. Students utilize a driving question board to ask questions related to the question, "Why are there numerous breeds of dogs?". Not all students have been exposed to multiple breeds of dogs throughout their lives.

  • In Module 1: The Study of Life, Encounter the Phenomenon, the module-level phenomenon is that sea spiders can survive in sub-zero temperatures. The phenomenon is presented to the students via a picture and a video where they observe sea spiders living in sub-zero temperatures and listen to two individuals discussing their unique traits. Since sea spiders live in extreme cold near the ocean bottom, it is not feasible for students to observe them firsthand. 

  • In Unit 3, Module 10: Introduction to Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance, Encounter the Phenomenon, the module-level phenomenon is that siblings are not identical. The phenomenon is presented as a picture of siblings who do not appear identical. Students are asked the question, "Why are these siblings not identical?" The question text and image provide a common entry point for all students to engage with the phenomenon.

  • In Unit 5, Module 19: Introduction to Plants, the module-level phenomenon is that certain plants have adaptations that allow them to live in harsh conditions such as the desert or under salt water. The phenomenon is presented with the question, “Why are these trees shaped this way,” and students are shown a picture of an unusually shaped tree. The materials then present a video discussing how plants and trees adapt to extreme circumstances, including information about the desert rose and desert climate. Students cannot visit the area where the tree is located and the text, image, and video provide a common entry point.

  • In Unit 6, Module 24: Circulatory, Respiratory, and Excretory Systems, Encounter the Phenomenon, the module-level phenomenon is that when pedaling a stationary bike, two individuals' heart rates and rate of oxygen consumption react differently to exercise. Presented as a video, students watch two individuals bike while researchers monitor vital signs such as heart rate, VO2, and breathing rate. Students observe a variety of differences in each individual's vital signs. Students most likely do not have access to the equipment and labs in order to test the impact of exercise on vital signs. 

Examples where materials do not present phenomena and/or problems to the students as directly as possible: 

  • In Unit 2, Module 6: Chemistry in Biology, the module-level phenomenon is that a body of water turned green. The phenomenon is presented as a picture of a boat floating in green water. By the picture alone, an observable event is not evident. There is a missed opportunity to provide students with a common experience around the change that occurs to produce the green color.

  • In Unit 3, STEM Unit Project, Performance Task: Genetically Engineered Corn, the unit-level problem is damage to corn crops caused by corn borers. The problem is presented to students as a text discussing corn borers as pests to corn crops and methods that are used to control pests. While the text outlines the problem that the solution is intended to address, there is a missed opportunity to provide students with a common experience to understand this problem if they are unfamiliar with corn borers’ damage and pest control methods.

  • In Unit 4, Module 15: Primate Evolution, the module-level phenomenon is that humans and monkeys have similar features but some, like noses, are different. The phenomenon is presented in a picture of small primates, and the materials ask about facial features of monkeys compared to humans. The subsequent video discusses similarities between humans and chimpanzees, but does not mention facial features. There is a missed opportunity to present a common experience for students to observe the differences between monkeys and humans specific to the phenomenon.

  • In Unit 5: The Diversity of Life, the unit-level phenomenon is that mudskippers adapted to living on land and in water. The materials present the phenomenon with a picture of a mudskipper. By the picture alone, students are unable to determine that mudskippers live both in water and on land. The picture does not provide common experiences for students to understand this phenomenon if they are unfamiliar with mudskippers.

Indicator 1D

Materials intentionally leverage students’ prior knowledge and experiences related to phenomena or problems.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School do not meet expectations that they intentionally leverage students’ prior knowledge and experiences related to phenomena or problems.

The materials miss the opportunity to consistently elicit students’ prior knowledge and experiences. Throughout the materials when students interact with the phenomenon, there is a missed opportunity for students to share their knowledge and experiences. Across all phenomena in the course, the materials do not address both students’ prior knowledge and experience. Within one of the seven problems, the materials elicit but do not leverage students’ prior knowledge.

Examples where materials do not elicit students’ prior knowledge and experience related to phenomena and problems across the course:

  • In Module 1: The Study of Life, the module-level phenomenon is that sea spiders can survive in sub-zero temperatures. The materials miss the opportunity to elicit students’ prior knowledge or experiences with the sea spider or organisms that survive in extreme conditions. Students read the driving question, study a picture of a sea spider, and watch a video about how biology helps people to understand life and how organisms can survive extreme environments. Lastly, students write a claim to answer the driving question. Since student prior knowledge and experience is not elicited, the materials miss the opportunity to provide opportunities for students or support for teachers to intentionally leverage student prior knowledge or experience.  

  • In Module 1, Lesson 1, BioLab: How Can You Keep Cut Flowers Fresh?, the lesson-level problem is that freshly cut flowers droop, lose petals, and decay over time. The materials miss the opportunity to elicit students’ prior knowledge or experiences with flowers. Students research strategies to extend the life of flowers, hypothesize which strategy will work, and then design an experiment to test their hypothesis. Since student prior knowledge and experience is not elicited, the materials miss the opportunity to provide opportunities for students or support for teachers to intentionally leverage student prior knowledge or experience. 

  • In Unit 1, Module 2: Principles of Ecology, the module-level phenomenon is that birds build nests in thorny acacia trees. The materials miss the opportunity to elicit students’ prior knowledge and experiences about how and why the birds build nests in acacia trees. Students read the driving question, study a picture of a bird's nest in a tree with thorns, and watch a video about organisms’ interactions within a community. Since student prior knowledge and experience is not elicited, the materials miss the opportunity to provide opportunities for students or support for teachers to intentionally leverage student prior knowledge or experience. 

  • In Unit 2, Module 6: Chemistry in Biology, the module-level phenomenon is that a body of water turned bright green. The materials miss the opportunity to elicit prior knowledge and experiences related to the phenomenon. Instead, materials present a picture of water with the question, “What is wrong with the water?”. Students review their unit Driving Question Board (DQB) and identify questions they think will be answered in the module. Since student prior knowledge and experience is not elicited, the materials miss the opportunity to provide opportunities for students or support for teachers to intentionally leverage student prior knowledge or experience. 

  • In Unit 2, STEM Unit Project, Performance Task: Algae Bloom Remediation, the design challenge is to develop a solution to decrease the amount of nuisance algae blooming in a body of water. The materials miss the opportunity to elicit prior knowledge and experiences related to algae bloom remediation. Instead, students are posed research questions and then design a solution to decrease algae blooms. Since student prior knowledge and experience is not elicited, the materials miss the opportunity to provide opportunities for students or support for teachers to intentionally leverage student prior knowledge or experience. 

  • In Unit 3: Genetics, the unit-level phenomenon is that there are numerous breeds of dogs. The materials miss the opportunity to elicit students’ prior knowledge or experiences with the phenomenon. Instead, students are prompted to ask questions about the phenomenon in order to create a DQB for the classroom. Throughout the unit, students keep a class Summary Table to record evidence that can support their explanation of the phenomenon. Since student prior knowledge and experience is not elicited, the materials miss the opportunity to provide opportunities for students or support for teachers to intentionally leverage student prior knowledge or experience. 

  • In Unit 3, Module 10: Introduction to Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance, the module-level phenomenon is that siblings are not identical. The materials miss the opportunity to elicit prior knowledge and experiences related to the phenomenon. Instead, students observe a photo of siblings who are not identical, watch a video about genetics, and then individually create a claim answering the driving question of why the siblings are not identical. Students collect evidence throughout the lessons of the module to support this claim. Since student prior knowledge and experience is not elicited, the materials miss the opportunity to provide opportunities for students or support for teachers to intentionally leverage student prior knowledge or experience. 

  • In Unit 4, Module 14: Evolution, the module-level phenomenon is that some animals adapted to look like plants. The materials miss the opportunity to elicit prior knowledge and experiences related to the phenomenon. Students read the driving question, study a picture of an insect sitting on a plant, and watch a video about the discovery of new organisms. Using a DQB, students ask questions about the phenomenon, reflect, brainstorm, and then develop a claim to explain why animals would look like plants. Throughout the module, students gather information to support their claims. Since student prior knowledge and experience is not elicited, the materials miss the opportunity to provide opportunities for students or support for teachers to intentionally leverage student prior knowledge or experience. 

  • In Unit 5, Module 19: Introduction to Plants, the module-level phenomenon is that certain plants have adaptations allowing them to live in harsh conditions such as the desert or in salt water. The materials miss the opportunity to elicit prior knowledge and experiences related to the phenomenon. Instead, students observe a picture of a tree and watch a video about the adaptation of plants in extreme conditions. Students then work individually to brainstorm a claim related to the question, “How does a tree’s shape help it to survive?” Throughout the module, students gather information to support their claims. Since student prior knowledge and experience is not elicited, the materials miss the opportunity to provide opportunities for students or support for teachers to intentionally leverage student prior knowledge or experience. 

  • In Unit 6, Module 23: Nervous System, the module-level phenomenon is that fingertips are more sensitive than forearms. The materials miss the opportunity to elicit prior knowledge and experiences related to the phenomenon. Instead, students observe a picture of a person stepping on toy blocks, watch a video about the nerve endings in fingers, and write a claim to answer the question of why a response to pain is a good thing. Since student prior knowledge and experience is not elicited, the materials miss the opportunity to provide opportunities for students or support for teachers to intentionally leverage student prior knowledge or experience. 

Example where materials elicit students’ prior knowledge but not experience related to a problem in the course:

  • In Unit 4, STEM Unit Project: Develop a Simulation of Conservation Genetics, the design challenge is to create a computer or mathematical model that will mitigate extinction. Students’ prior knowledge of conservation genetics, endangered species, advantageous adaptations, and mathematical models is elicited. The teachers are prompted to encourage students to connect evolutionary relationships, adaptations, natural selection, mechanisms of evolution, and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium to real-world experiences, but the materials do not elicit student experiences with these topics nor mathematical modeling. There is a missed opportunity to elicit student experiences and to leverage students’ prior knowledge and experiences as they design a computer or mathematical model to mitigate extinction. While the materials prompt teachers to review various topics from the unit as students complete their project, this activation of prior learning does not require students to examine how their experiences are connected to the project.

Indicator 1E

Phenomena and/or problems drive individual lessons or activities using key elements of all three dimensions.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School do not meet expectations that phenomena and/or problems drive individual lessons or activities using key elements of all three dimensions.

Across the materials, lessons focus on scientific concepts which are introduced through informational texts and miss the opportunity for students to explain phenomena or solve problems. Those concepts are reinforced or confirmed throughout the lessons with investigations, simulations, and virtual labs. Although there are no lesson-level phenomena that drive learning, the materials include one BioLab activity in Module 1 that uses a problem to drive student learning and engage with two dimensions, SEP and CCC, but misses the opportunity to use or build a science DCI.

Examples where phenomena or problems do not drive student learning:

  • In Unit 1, Module 2, Lesson 3: Cycling of Matter, a phenomenon does not drive learning; instead, the focus of the learning is the cycling of matter into and out of systems via photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Across the lesson, students read informational text and complete a lab investigation. For example, students read about the water, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles of the biosphere. Students also complete the Quick Investigation: Test for Nitrates where they evaluate various samples of water for nitrates and discuss problems they might cause in waterways. 

  • In Unit 2, Module 9, Lesson 1: Cellular Reproduction, a phenomenon does not drive learning. Instead, the focus of the learning is the cell cycle. Across the lesson, students read informational text and complete lab investigations. For example, students read about the cell cycle with a focus on DNA and chromosomes found in all cells. In the BioLab: Does sunlight affect mitosis in yeast?, students investigate the impacts of ultraviolet light on mitosis in yeast cells and graph data collected from control and test plates. 

  • In Unit 3, Module 10, Lesson 5: Complex Patterns of Inheritance, a phenomenon does not drive learning. Instead, the focus of the learning is trait inheritance, codominance, and incomplete dominance. Across the lesson, students read informational text, perform an online interactive simulation, and complete a lab investigation. For example, in the BioLab: What’s in a face? students collect data about the number of different inherited facial structures that combine to compose a human face by using coin flips. Students use the data collected to explain how genotypes cause the expression of various phenotypes.

  • In Unit 3, Module 12, Lesson 2: The Human Genome, a phenomenon does not drive learning. Instead, the focus of the learning is the human genome. Across the lesson, students read informational text and perform an online interactive investigation. For example, students read about the Human Genome Project, including genomics and the biotechnology that resulted from mapping the human genome. In the Virtual Investigation: Gene Splicing, students use a simulation to observe how the process of gene splicing takes place. 

  • In Unit 4, Module 14, Lesson 2: Evidence of Evolution, a phenomenon does not drive learning. Instead, the focus of the learning is the concept of evolution. Across the lesson, students read informational text and complete lab investigations. For example, students read about the fossil record, homologous and vestigial structures, comparative embryology, molecular biology, geographic distribution, and adaptation. In the BioLab: Can scientists model natural selection? students engage with a simulation that models natural selection and then explain how the results occur.

  • In Unit 4, Module 16, Lesson 1: The History of Classification, a phenomenon does not drive learning. Instead, the focus of the learning is classification and the creation and use of a taxonomic key. Across the lesson, students read informational text and complete a lab investigation. For example, students read about early classification systems, modern classification systems, what taxa are, taxonomic categories, binomial nomenclature, and dichotomous keys. In the BioLab: What is a taxonomic key?, students create and use a dichotomous key to note similarities and differences between suggested organisms and identify patterns that determine the relationship in classification.

  • In Unit 5, Module 18, Lesson 4: Fungus Diversity and Ecology, a phenomenon does not drive learning. Instead, the focus of the lesson is on mushrooms. Across the lesson, students read informational text and complete lab investigations. For example, students read about the diversity of fungi and distinguishing characteristics of the four major phyla, including spores and their function. In the BioLab: What are mushroom spores? students examine the characteristics of common mushrooms, identify their parts, and determine the function of spores in reproduction.

  • In Unit 5, Module 20, Lesson 1: Animal Characteristics, a phenomenon does not drive the learning. Instead, the focus of the learning is animal adaptations. Across the lesson, students read informational text and complete lab investigations. For example, students read about adaptations that enable animals to live in various habitats including behavior, animal cells and tissues, reproduction, and stages of embryonic development. In the BioLab: What characteristics do animals have? students identify animals from a pond ecosystem and record data about feeding, movement, and gut structure of the organisms.            

  • In Unit 6, Module 22, Lesson 3: The Muscular System, a phenomenon does not drive the learning. Instead, the focus of the learning is muscle structure and function. Across the lesson, students read informational text, perform an online interactive simulation, and complete a lab investigation. For example, students read about the essential functions of various types of muscle and the energy required to do the work of the system. In the Virtual Investigation: Muscle Stimulation, students generate data to examine the effect of workload on muscles. Students make predictions about the function of the tested muscles based on their structure and capacity to do work. 

  • In Unit 6, Module 26, Lesson 2: Human Development Before Birth, a phenomenon does not drive the learning. Instead, the focus of the learning is fetal development. Across the lesson, students read informational text and complete lab investigations. For example, students read informational text about the structures and functions of the male and female reproductive systems and observe images of early human development. In the Quick Investigation: Sequence Early Human Development, students sequence images to visualize growth of an embryo through various stages of fetal development with a focus on one particular body structure.

Indicator 1F

Materials embed phenomena or problems across multiple lessons for students to use and build knowledge of all three dimensions.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School do not meet expectations that they embed phenomena or problems across multiple lessons for students to use and build knowledge of all three dimensions.

The materials miss the opportunity to provide units or modules that use phenomena or problems to drive student learning across multiple lessons and/or activities. Including the units and modules where phenomena and problems are identified, topics are the focus of the learning across all of the lessons and those phenomena and problems do not drive student learning. For the two unit-level phenomena, the 13 module-level phenomena, and the four unit-level problems present in the materials, the phenomena and problems are presented at the beginning of the units and modules with prompts to use a Driving Question Board (DQB) and Summary Table to capture student learning throughout the modules and lessons. Teachers are prompted to support students to return to the DQB at the beginning and end of each lesson and to add each reading and activity to the Summary Table. At the end of the modules with identified phenomena, students write a claim-evidence-reasoning (CER) response to provide explanations for the module-level phenomena. Besides a mention of the use of the Summary Table at the beginning of the unit, students are not prompted to return to the unit-level phenomena at the end of the unit. At the end of the units with identified problems, students develop solutions for the STEM Unit Project. While students are directed to return to the Summary Table in many instances, they are tracking content connected to these phenomena and problems through reading informational texts and performing isolated activities; the phenomena and problems do not drive the learning across the lessons.

Examples where materials do not use phenomena or problems to drive student learning across multiple lessons:

  • In Unit 1, Module 1: The Study of Life, the module-level phenomenon is that sea spiders can survive in sub-zero temperatures. The phenomenon does not drive learning across multiple lessons. Instead, learning is focused on the topic of the study of life. Throughout the module, students engage in lab investigations, interactive simulations, and the reading of informational texts. In Lesson 1: The Science of Life, students read about the science of life and the characteristics of life to determine how to define if something is living or nonliving. In Lesson 2: The Nature of Science, students read about the steps of the scientific method and how they are connected to scientific processes. In the Module Wrap-Up, students develop a CER response that answers the question, “Are sea spiders different than spiders in your backyard?”. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage with the phenomenon throughout the lessons as the learning within the reading and activities is independent of the phenomenon.

  • In Unit 1, Module 2: Principles of Ecology, the module-level phenomenon is that birds build nests in thorny acacia trees. The phenomenon does not drive learning across multiple lessons. Instead, learning is focused on the topic of ecology. Throughout the module, students engage in lab investigations, interactive simulations, and the reading of informational texts. In Lesson 1: Organisms and Their Relationships, students read and answer questions about how abiotic and biotic limiting factors and range of tolerance affect the distribution of organisms and how organisms interact at various levels of organization. In Lesson 3: Quick Investigation: Test for Nitrates, students test for nitrate in various samples of water. In the Module Wrap-Up, students develop a CER response that answers the question, “Why would a bird build a nest in a tree with thorns?”. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage with the phenomenon throughout the lessons as the learning within the reading and activities is independent of the phenomenon.

  • In Unit 2, STEM Unit Project: Algae Bloom Remediation, the unit-level problem is nuisance algae blooming in a body of water. The problem does not drive learning across multiple lessons. Throughout the unit, students engage in lab investigations, interactive simulations, and the reading of informational texts about atoms in organic molecules, cell parts, cell energy, and cell reproduction. For example, in Module 6: Chemistry in Biology, students read and answer questions about the structure of matter, chemical reactions, enzymes, solutions, and organic compounds. In a Virtual Investigation in Module 8: Cellular Energy, students order tiles representing components of photosynthesis and respiration. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage with the problem during the reading and activities as the learning is disconnected from the problem.

  • In Unit 2, Module 6: Chemistry in Biology, the module-level phenomenon is that a body of water turned bright green. The phenomenon does not drive learning across multiple lessons. Instead, learning is focused on the topics of the structure of matter, chemical reactions, enzymes, solutions, and organic compounds. Throughout the module, students engage in lab investigations, interactive simulations, and the reading of informational texts. In Lesson 2: Quick Investigation: Investigate Enzymatic Browning, students examine enzymatic browning with different treatments on apple wedges. In Lesson 3: BioLab: What substance or solutions act as buffers?, students design an investigation on the buffering power of different solutions. In the Module Wrap-Up, students develop a CER response that answers the question, “What is wrong with the water?”. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage with the phenomenon throughout the lessons as the learning within the reading and activities is independent of the phenomenon.

  • In Unit 3: Genetics, the unit-level phenomenon is that there are numerous breeds of dogs. Throughout the unit, the phenomenon does not drive learning across multiple modules. Instead, learning is focused on the topics of genetics, patterns of inheritance, and biotechnology. Throughout the modules, students engage in lab investigations, interactive simulations, and the reading of informational texts. For example, in Module 10: Introduction to Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance, students learn about how genotype determines phenotype by using Punnett Squares and pedigrees. In Module 12: Biotechnology, students read about DNA technology and the Human Genome Project and then answer questions based on the text. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage with the phenomenon during the reading and activities in the modules as the learning is independent of the phenomenon.

  • In Unit 3, Module 10: Introduction to Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance, the module-level phenomenon is that siblings are not identical. The phenomenon does not drive learning across multiple lessons. Instead, the focus of the learning is the topic of genetic inheritance. Throughout the module, students engage in the reading of informational texts, conduct lab investigations, and perform online interactive simulations. In Lesson 1: Mendelian Genetics, students read and answer questions about Mendelian genetics, inheritance of traits, and probability. In Lesson 3: Quick Investigation: Model Hybridization, students transfer pollen from one lily to another to model the process of plant breeders. In the Module Wrap-Up, students develop a CER response that answers the question, “Why are these siblings not identical?”. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage with the phenomenon throughout the lessons as the learning within the reading and activities is independent of the phenomenon.

  • In Unit 4, Module 14: Evolution, the module-level phenomenon is that some animals have adapted to look like plants. The phenomenon does not drive learning across multiple lessons. Instead, the focus of the learning is the topic of evolution. Across the module, students engage in the reading of informational texts, conduct lab investigations, and perform online interactive simulations. In Lesson 1: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, students read and answer questions about the text which focuses on the four principles of natural selection. In Lesson 3: Virtual Investigation: Natural Selection, students simulate the effect of predation to observe how natural selection can alter the equilibrium of a population’s gene pool over time. In the Module Wrap-Up, students develop a CER response that answers the question, “Look for the insect in this photo. Why would an animal try to look like a plant?”. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage with the phenomenon throughout the lessons as the learning within the reading and activities is independent of the phenomenon.

  • In Unit 5, Module 17: Bacteria and Viruses, the module-level phenomenon is that thrombolites, growths found in shallow water, are built up over centuries by microscopic bacterial cells. The phenomenon does not drive learning across multiple lessons. Instead, the focus of the learning is on bacteria and viruses. Across the module, students engage in the reading of informational texts, conduct lab investigations, and perform online interactive simulations. In Lesson 1: Bacteria, students read and answer questions about prokaryotic diversity including the major structures and differences among archaea, bacteria, and their subcategories. In the Quick Investigation: Classify Bacteria, students examine bacteria on slides with an oil immersion lens and classify them by shape and peptidoglycan layer. In the Module Wrap-Up, students develop a CER response that answers the question, “What is alive in this photo?”. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage with the phenomenon throughout the lessons as the learning within the reading and activities is independent of the phenomenon.

  • In Unit 6, Module 23: Nervous System, the module-level phenomenon is that fingertips are more sensitive than forearms. The phenomenon does not drive learning across multiple lessons. Instead, the focus of the learning is on the nervous system. Across the module, students engage in the reading of informational texts, conduct lab investigations, and perform online interactive simulations. In Lesson 1: Structure of the Nervous System, students read and answer questions about the major parts of the neuron and their functions. In Lesson 2: Quick Investigation: Investigate Adaptations to Darkness, students test their eyes' ability to adapt from a lit room to a dimly lit room. In the Module Wrap-Up, students develop a CER response that answers the question, “If you step on several toy blocks, it’s going to hurt. Why is this response a good thing?”. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage with the phenomenon throughout the lessons as the learning within the reading and activities is independent of the phenomenon.

Criterion 1.2: Three-Dimensional Learning


Materials are designed for three-dimensional learning and assessment.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School do not meet expectations for Criterion 1g-1i: Three-Dimensional Learning.

About half of all learning sequences contain instances of integrating the three dimensions, found mainly in the activities within lessons such as the CCC Crosscutting Concepts callout boxes, various investigations, and Go Further activities which are located at the end of every module and usually involve a data analysis exercise. In instances where integration does not occur, this is due to a dimension missing, usually a CCC, or the presence of all three dimensions but each occurs in a separate instance across the learning sequence. Additionally, the dimensions are not used for sensemaking. Lessons within the modules are topic focused and often involve reading text or using interactive content, and completing investigations which are usually confirmatory and completed after the reading. The SEPs of modeling and information are often present but are not used to support making sense of the DCIs and CCCs, which are commonly missing. Three-dimensional learning objectives, listed at the beginning of each module, are made up of 1-8 Performance Expectations (PE) per module. They are designated into three categories: Build to, Master, and Expand on. Teacher guidance is not provided on how the categories impact learning. Oftentimes, within the lessons of the module, DCI elements are present, but usually only in the Explore and Explain section of the lessons and sometimes below grade band. In some cases, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop any of the SEPs and/or CCCs present in the module learning objectives.

The assessment system is made up of formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments consist of a Science Probe at the beginning of each unit and a Module Pre-Test at the beginning of each module. The purpose of both is to address student prior knowledge and preconceptions. Additionally, a text reading with a prompt is present at the end of each module, often containing a DCI and sometimes an SEP, and a Claim Evidence Reasoning response is also returned to at the end of the module and usually is DCI-focused. Two other forms of formative assessment located throughout the lessons are Get It? prompts and Formative Assessment Check call outs. Both cases involve a prompt and a response such as a short answer, making flashcards, etc. They are usually one-dimensional in nature and that dimension is usually a DCI, which may or may not connect to the learning objectives for the module. The majority of formative assessments include an answer key but with the exception of some Formative Assessment checks, no remediation guidance is provided for the teacher. Summative assessments are accessed through the online platform. They include Lesson Checks, Module Tests, and Applying Practices. Lesson Checks occur at the end of each lesson, are usually DCI focused, and contain items of multiple choice, drop down, short answer, etc. The Module Tests take place at the end of the module and are similar in structure to the Lesson Checks. Applying Practices are present in 17 of the 27 modules and are seated within specific lessons. They are often three-dimensional and address the elements of the target PE. Other forms of summative assessment are the Module Vocabulary Practice and STEM Unit Projects. Module Vocabulary Practice exists at the end of every module and focuses specifically on vocabulary development. The STEM Unit Projects are presented at the beginning of every unit and teachers are prompted to return to them at the end of every module. They are usually scenario-based with students working in groups. While in most cases the Applying Practices are three dimensional and address the learning objectives connected to them, across the summative assessment system there is a missed opportunity to address a majority of elements from the learning objectives for the module. 

Indicator 1G

Materials are designed to integrate the Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs),  and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) into student learning.

Indicator 1G.i

Materials consistently integrate the three dimensions in student learning opportunities.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that they are designed to integrate the Science and Engineering Practices (SEP), Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCC) into student learning opportunities.

Throughout the materials, the learning sequences include three dimensions and integrate SEPs, CCCs, and DCIs within some learning opportunities. In 18 of the 27 modules or learning sequences, integration of three dimensions occurs in various learning opportunities or activities such as BioLabs, Quick Investigations, CCC Crosscutting Concepts activities, and Go Further activities. In the Explore and Explain sections of each lesson, materials provide learning opportunities where students read informational text that, when DCIs are present, integrate with the SEP of obtaining, gathering, and communicating information. There are no learning opportunities in Unit 5 that integrate all three dimensions.

Examples where materials integrate the three dimensions in student learning opportunities:

  • In Unit 1, Module 2, Lesson 1, BioLab: Explore Habitat Size and Species Diversity, students design a lab to determine the effect of increasing habitat size on species diversity. Students formulate a directional hypothesis predicting the effect of habitat size on species diversity (CCC-CE-M2), and then develop a procedure to test their hypothesis (SEP-INV-H1). Students create graphs of their results to identify patterns in the dynamic nature of ecosystems and explain how the population and diversity changed in relation to the ecosystem's expansion (DCI-LS2.C-M1). 

  • In Unit 1, Module 4, Lesson 1, BioLab: Do plants of the same species compete with one another?, students conduct an investigation to determine the effect of plant density on the biomass production of plants. Students develop a hypothesis (SEP-INV-H5) about the effect plant density has on the biomass produced by plants through photosynthesis (DCI-LS2.A-H1). Students plant various amounts of seeds in different pots and measure the biomass produced through photosynthesis in each pot. Students calculate the average biomass per pot, then construct one graph to show the relationship between the average plant biomass and density and another graph analyzing total biomass versus number of plants in each pot (SEP-DATA-H1, CCC-PAT-H4).

  • In Unit 2, Module 6, Lesson 4, CCC Crosscutting Concepts activity, students work to understand how atoms that form essential amino acids get into our bodies. Students use information from the textbook to construct an explanation (SEP-CEDS-H3) about how matter from outside sources can be rearranged (CCC-EM-M1) to form amino acids (DCI-LS1.C-H2).

  • In Unit 3, Module 10, Lesson 4, CCC Crosscutting Concepts activity, students present information on an inheritable condition or disorder. Students create a visual presentation that includes a pedigree (SEP-MOD-H5) as evidence to explain how the chosen condition or disorder is inherited (CCC-CE-H2, DCI-LS3.A-M2, DCI-LS3.B-M1). 

  • In Unit 3, Module 11, Lesson 4, CCC Crosscutting Concepts activity, students examine the effect of genetic mutations on the health of individual organisms. After researching and reading information (SEP-INFO-H5), students decide if they support or refute the statement that mutations have harmful effects on the health of individual organisms (DCI-LS3.B-H1, CCC-CE-H4). Students then prepare a brief to argue their position (SEP-ARG-H4).

  • In Unit 6, Module 24, Lesson 2, CCC Crosscutting Concepts activity, students develop a model of the respiratory system (SEP-MOD-H5). Students explain how the components work together to perform the functions of the respiratory system (DCI-LS1.A-H1, CCC-SYS-M3).

  • In Unit 6, Module 26, Lesson 1, Quick Practice: Modeling Sex Cell Production, students simulate the processes of sperm and egg production and then draw and label diagrams of these processes. Students use two different colors of modeling clay to provide a mechanistic account and draw and label diagrams of sperm and egg production (SEP-MOD-H5) through the process of meiosis (DCI-LS3.B-H1). After they create their models, students explain how the concentration of cytoplasm in the primary oocyte functions to benefit the egg (CCC-SF-H2).

Examples where materials do not integrate the three dimensions within learning opportunities:

  • In Introduction to Biology, Module 1: The Study of Life, students engage with content through textbook readings, interactive content, and lab investigations focused on characteristics of life and the scientific method. In Lesson 1: The Science of Life: SEP Quick Practice, students construct an argument (SEP-ARG-H4) for why biologists should study diversity, agriculture, and the environment as they work to research and develop technologies. The CCC Crosscutting Concepts activity has students develop a graphic organizer to identify anticipated and unanticipated impacts of advancements in science (CCC-CE-H3). Since the dimensions are separated from each other across the sequence, there is a missed opportunity to incorporate a DCI across this sequence or to integrate the three dimensions into any student learning opportunities.

  • In Unit 4, Module 13: The History of Life, students engage with content through textbook readings, interactive content, and investigations about common ancestry and diversity (DCI-LS4.A-M1). Students complete various investigations including one using fossils from different locations to determine the sequence of Earth’s rock layers and a virtual simulation on fossil dating and identification (SEP-MOD-H3, SEP-INV-M2, DCI-LS4.A-M1). There is a missed opportunity to incorporate a CCC across this sequence or to integrate the three dimensions within any student learning opportunities.

  • In Unit 4, Module 15: Primate Evolution, students engage with content through textbook readings, interactive content, and lab investigations about primate evolution, hominins and human ancestry (DCI-LS4.A-M2). Throughout the module, students complete a Quick Investigation to identify the advantages of having an opposable thumb (DCI-LS4.C-M1, SEP-INV-M2, SEP-DATA-E2) and a Biolab to investigate the features humans have to assist them in being bipedal (DCI-LS4.A-M2, SEP-INV-M2, SEP-CEDS-H3). There is a missed opportunity to incorporate a CCC across this sequence or to integrate the three dimensions within any student learning opportunities.

  • In Unit 5, Module 17: Bacteria and Viruses, students engage with content through textbook readings, interactive content, and lab investigations about major structures of bacteria, general structures of viruses and proteins, nutrient cycling in an ecosystem, and nitrogen fixation (DCI-LS2.B-M1). In a Quick Investigation, students classify bacteria and types of effective antibiotics. In a CCC Crosscutting Concepts activity, students describe how energy and matter are cycled through an ecosystem using nitrogen fixation as an example (CCC-EM H2). There is a missed opportunity to incorporate an SEP across this sequence or to integrate the three dimensions into any student learning opportunities.

  • In Unit 5, Module 19: Introduction to Plants, students engage with content through textbook readings, interactive content, and lab investigations about plant evolution and diversity, plant structure and function, and plant reproduction. They read text and explore interactive content around the topics of plant evolution and how plants adapted to live on land (DCI-LS4.C-H2), as well as plant structure, function, and reproduction (DCI-LS1.A-E1). Students also complete various investigations including weighing different leaf types as a way to compare the amount of water in each as a measure of cuticle thickness (SEP-INV-E3, SEP-DATA-E2) and a virtual simulation to investigate the effect of environmental factors on the transpiration rate in different plants (SEP-MOD-H7). There is a missed opportunity to incorporate a CCC across this sequence or to integrate the three dimensions within any student learning opportunities.

  • In Unit 5, Module 20: Introduction to Animals, students engage with content through textbook readings, interactive content, and lab investigations about body development in animals (embryonic development) and body plans. In Lesson 1: Animal Characteristics: CCC Crosscutting Concepts activity, students read about features and functions of animals and then model those general features (SEP-MOD-E3, DCI-LS1.A-E1). In a BioLab students identify features of animals (DCI-LS1.B-E1) by observing organisms in a pond (SEP-INV-E3). In Lesson 2: Animal Body Plans: SEP Quick practice, students are prompted to design an investigation (SEP-INV-H1) to determine if fictitious tidepool animals are larvae or adults. In a Quick Investigation students examine cross sections of earthworms and hydra to observe their body plans and make comparisons (SEP-INV-P4). There is a missed opportunity to incorporate a CCC across this sequence or to integrate the three dimensions within any learning opportunities.

  • In Unit 5, Module 21: Animal Behavior and Diversity, students engage with content through textbook readings, interactive content, and lab investigations about the characteristics of invertebrates and vertebrates, and topics about different types of animal behavior and communication (DCI-LS4.C-M1). Students complete various virtual investigations, including classifying arthropods and using skulls to identify animal characteristics and behaviors (SEP-MOD-M5, CCC-SF-H2). While three dimensions are present across this learning sequence, there is a missed opportunity for the three dimensions to be integrated into any student learning opportunities.

  • In Unit 6, Module 22: Integumentary, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems, students engage with content through textbook readings, interactive content, and lab investigations about the topics of the integumentary system, the skeletal system and muscular system and their structure and function and significance, as well as plant structure, function, and reproduction (DCI-LS2.B-H1, CCC-SYS-H4). Throughout the module, students complete various investigations including virtually applying different workloads to measure a muscle’s threshold of stimulation (SEP-MOD-H3). While three dimensions are present across this learning sequence, there is a missed opportunity for the three dimensions to be integrated into any student learning opportunities.

Indicator 1G.ii

Materials consistently support meaningful student sensemaking with the three dimensions.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School do not meet expectations that they consistently support meaningful student sensemaking with the three dimensions.

The modules within the materials primarily serve an informative purpose. Each module includes individual topics for learning and understanding and the subsequent learning opportunities are focused on independent concepts, missing the opportunity to allow students to sensemake using the three dimensions across the sequence. The module focus question posed in the Encounter the Phenomenon section misses the opportunity to provide a coherent path across the learning opportunities. Activities are rarely built upon for students to make sense of a greater concept, phenomenon, problem, or the focus question of the module. Further, activities like the BioLabs and Quick Investigations do not necessarily connect or cohere within the module. The activities across the module are disconnected activities that do not build upon each other and primarily consist of reading texts and answering questions. The majority of the investigations only validate or confirm what students first read. 

While in some instances three dimensions are used together within learning opportunities, they do not support sensemaking within or across the learning sequence. When SEPs are present, the SEPs of modeling and information are the most common. However, SEPs used by students are not necessary for students to make sense with the DCIs. In many instances students read about or confirm the content that is the focus of the activity instead of using SEPs to support them in developing an understanding. CCCs are often missing from the learning sequences and when present miss the opportunity to connect to the other dimensions and to allow for student sensemaking.

Examples of learning sequences that do not incorporate the SEPs or CCCs to meaningfully support student sensemaking with the other dimensions:

  • In Unit 1, Module 4: Population Ecology, students explore the topics of population density and factors that limit population size through text, interactive content, and investigations. At the beginning of the module, students are presented with the module focus question, “Why are bee populations declining?” and write a CER based on viewing a photo and a video about productive biocapacity (DCI-LS2.A-H1) to make a claim about why bee populations are declining. In the two lessons that make up the module, students read text and engage in interactive content (SEP-INFO-H1) about population density and factors that limit population size (DCI-LS2.A-H1), specifically including human population growth (DCI-LS2.C-H1). They conduct various labs where they compare plant density to see how that impacts plant biomass (DCI-LS2.A-H1, SEP-DATA-H1, CCC-PAT-H4) as well as observe petri dishes to determine the amount of bacterial growth and analyze data from various populations to examine different population growth trends (DCI-LS2.A-H1, SEP-DATA-H1, CCC-SC-H1). In the Module Wrap-Up, students return back to the module focus question and revise the CER that they wrote at the beginning of the module, using information collected during the lessons (DCI-LS2.A-H1, DCI-LS2.C-H1, SEP-CEDS-H3, CCC-SC-H1). While students engage with the three dimensions in various instances across the module, there is a missed opportunity for connections across the lessons as related to the focus question and for SEPs and/or CCCs to meaningfully support sensemaking with the DCIs across the learning sequence. Additionally, students do not have to be aware of this question to progress through each activity and do not build and revise their thinking to answer it. Instead, they learn the content through various learning opportunities throughout the sequence. The lessons and activities are isolated activities that do not build upon each other or require student sensemaking. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage in sensemaking with the three dimensions in this sequence.

  • In Unit 2, Module 8: Cellular Energy, students explore the topics of photosynthesis and respiration through text, interactive content, and investigations. At the beginning of the module, students are presented with the module focus question, “Why would a farmer grow lettuce in a greenhouse?”, and write a CER based on viewing a photo and a video to make a claim about why a farmer would grow plants in a greenhouse. Lesson 1: How Organisms Obtain Energy, introduces the concept of thermodynamics, photosynthesis, respiration, and ATP as a chemical that can store and release energy (DCI-LS1.C-H3, DCI-LS1.C-H4, DCI-LS1.C-H1). In a Quick Practice activity students make a model (SEP-MOD-H3) of an ATP molecule (DCI-LS1.C-H3). Lesson 2: Photosynthesis, goes into more depth about photosynthesis (DCI-LS1.C-H1), delving into the light reaction (CCC-EM-H2), Calvin Cycle (CCC-EM-H2), pigments, and chloroplasts. In a BioLab activity students design an investigation to determine whether different wavelengths of light affect the rate of photosynthesis (DCI-LS1.C-H1, SEP-INV-H1, CCC-CE-H2). In a Quick Investigation students observe chloroplasts (DCI-LS1.C-M1) and think about how different pigments affect photosynthesis (CCC-CE-H2). Lesson 3: Cellular Respiration, returns to cellular respiration and covers mitochondrial structure, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, glycolysis, the Krebs Cycle, electron transport chain, and shows a diagram comparing respiration with photosynthesis (DCI-LS1.C-H4). In a Quick Investigation students investigate photosynthesis and respiration using bromothymol blue and an aquatic plant to provide observations that lead to an explanation of how these two processes depend on each other (DCI-LS1.C-H1, DCI-LS1.C-H4, SEP-CEDS-H3, CCC-EM-H2). In the Module Wrap-Up, students explore some graphs (SEP-DATA-H1) showing the effect (CCC-CE-H2) of a viral infection on rates of photosynthesis and return to the question of why a farmer would grow lettuce in a greenhouse (SEP-CEDS-H5). While students engage with the three dimensions in various instances across the module, there is a missed opportunity for connections across the lessons as related to the focus question and for SEPs and/or CCCs to meaningfully support sensemaking with the DCIs across the learning sequence. Additionally, students do not have to be aware of this question to progress through each activity and do not build and revise their thinking to answer it. Instead, they learn the content through various learning opportunities throughout the sequence. The lessons and activities are isolated activities that do not build upon each other or require student sensemaking. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage in sensemaking with the three dimensions in this sequence.

  • In Unit 3, Module 10: Introduction to Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance, students explore the topics of genetics and inheritance through text, interactive content, and investigations. At the beginning of the module, students are presented with the module focus question, “Why are these siblings not identical”, and write a CER based on viewing a photo and a video to make a claim about why the siblings are not identical. In Lesson 1: Mendelian Genetics: BioLab: How can the phenotype of offspring help determine parental genotype?, students design an experiment to determine parental genotypes of plants based on plant offspring phenotype (SEP-INV-M1, DCI-LS3.A-M2, CCC-CE-M2). While students are using the SEP and CCC to communicate their understanding, there is a missed opportunity for students to develop and learn about designing effective investigations and determining the best choices in their design as the investigation is confirmatory. In Lesson 2: Genetic Recombination and Gene Linkage, students read about genetic recombination. In the SEP Quick Practice, they are asked to create chromosome maps using provided data and explain how their model shows the probability that genes will cross over (SEP-MOD-H3, DCI-LS3.B-H1).  The modeling is used to demonstrate understanding of the content, but it is confirmatory. In Lesson 5: Complex Patterns of Inheritance, students read about basic and complex patterns of inheritance. The Virtual Investigation: Sex-Linked Traits, asks students to use models to examine which eye color trait may be passed to fruit-fly offspring (SEP-MOD-H7, SEP-DATA-M4, DCI-LS3.B-M1, CCC-CE-H2). While this activity is three-dimensional, it is confirmatory; the modeling and data practices are used to advance understanding of the content and for confirmation of the reading. In the Module Wrap-Up, students return back to the module focus question and revise the CER that they wrote at the beginning of the module, using information collected during the lessons to construct an explanation as to why the siblings are not identical (SEP-CEDS-H2, DCI-LS3.A-M2, CCC-CE-M2). While students engage with the three dimensions in various instances across the module, there is a missed opportunity for connections across the lessons as related to the focus question and for SEPs and/or CCCs to meaningfully support sensemaking with the DCIs across the learning sequence. Additionally, students do not have to be aware of this question to progress through each activity and do not build and revise their thinking to answer it. Instead, they learn the content through various learning opportunities throughout the sequence. The lessons and activities are isolated activities that do not build upon each other or require student sensemaking. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage in sensemaking with the three dimensions in this sequence. 

  • In Unit 4, Module 13: The History of Life, students explore the topics of early Earth history and fossil formation and dating through text, interactive content, and investigations. At the beginning of the module, students are presented with the module focus question, “What do you think this organism looked like when it was alive?”, and write a CER based on viewing a photo of a fossil and a video to make a claim about what the organism looked like when it was alive. In both lessons within the module, students read and engage in interactive content (SEP-INFO-H1) about the Earth’s history and fossil formation and dating (DCI-LS4.A-M1). In the Lesson 1: Fossil Evidence of Change: Quick Investigation: Correlate Rock Layers Using Fossils, students analyze a container of layers of materials embedded with fossils and compare their sample to that of their classmates to determine the sequence of all the layers the class studied (DCI-LS4.A-M1, SEP-MOD-H3, SEP-INV-M2). In Lesson 2: The Origin of Life, students read about the various theories surrounding the origin of life, including spontaneous generation, and the primordial soup hypothesis and cellular evolution (SEP-INFO-H1). In the BioLab: Is spontaneous generation possible?, students replicate Pasteur’s experiment using two flasks, each containing equal amounts of beef broth, but with differing lengths of tubing. Students observe the condition of the flasks over two weeks and record their observations (SEP-INV-M2). In the Module Wrap-Up, students return back to the module focus question and revise the CER that they wrote at the beginning of the module, using information collected during the lessons. While students engage with the three dimensions in various instances across the module, there is a missed opportunity for connections across the lessons as related to the focus question and for SEPs and/or CCCs to meaningfully support sensemaking with the DCIs across the learning sequence. Additionally, students do not have to be aware of this question to progress through each activity and do not build and revise their thinking to answer it. Instead, they learn the content through various learning opportunities throughout the sequence. The lessons and activities are isolated activities that do not build upon each other or require student sensemaking. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage in sensemaking with the three dimensions in this sequence.

  • In Unit 6, Module 26: Human Reproduction and Development, students explore the topics of male and female reproductive systems, human development before birth, and birth, growth, and how  humans age through text, interactive content, and investigations. At the beginning of the module, students are presented with the module focus question, “How do babies eat and breathe before birth?”, and write a CER based on viewing a photo of an embryo and a video to make a claim about how babies eat and breathe before birth. In the three lessons within the module, students read and engage in interactive content (SEP-INFO-H1) about the male and female reproductive systems, human development before birth, and birth, growth, and aging of humans (DCI-LS1.A-H1, DCI-LS1.A-H3, DCI-LS1.B-H1). In Lesson 1: Reproductive Systems: Quick Investigation: Model Sex Cell Production, students use clay to model how sex cells are produced during meiosis (DCI LS3.B-H1, SEP-MOD-H5, CCC-SF-H2).  In Lesson 2: Human Development Before Birth: Quick Investigation: Sequence Early Human Development, students observe images of fetuses to investigate changes that occur during the first eight weeks of development. They choose a factor of the first trimester, such as embryonic size or organ development, track it using images, and summarize its development (CCC-SC-H1, DCI-LS1.B-H1, SEP-INFO-H1). In Lesson 3: Birth, Growth, and Aging, students read informational text and engage in interactive content on birth, growth, and aging and answer questions to assess their understanding (DCI-LS1.B-H1). In the Module Wrap-Up, students return back to the module focus question and revise the CER that they wrote at the beginning of the module, using information collected during the lessons. While students engage with the three dimensions in various instances across the module, there is a missed opportunity for connections across the lessons related to the focus question and for SEPs and/or CCCs to meaningfully support sensemaking with the DCIs across the learning sequence. Additionally, students do not have to be aware of this question to progress through each activity and do not build and revise their thinking to answer it. Instead, they learn the content through various learning opportunities throughout the sequence. The lessons and activities are isolated activities that do not build upon each other or require student sensemaking. There is a missed opportunity for students to engage in sensemaking with the three dimensions in this sequence.

Indicator 1G.iii

Materials clearly represent three-dimensional learning objectives within the learning sequences.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School do not meet expectations that they consistently provide element-level three-dimensional learning objectives and consistently provide opportunities for students to use and develop the respective three dimensions.

Although the materials provide three-dimensional learning objectives that include specific elements, they provide few to no opportunities for students to use and develop the respective grade-band three dimensions found within the learning objectives. Across the materials, modules cite the NGSS Performance Expectations (PEs) as the three-dimensional learning objectives and, depending on the module, are presented as one of three categories: Build to PEs, Master PEs, and Expand on PEs. Modules vary from one to eight in the number of PEs listed and whether or not they include one, two, or all three of these categories; however, materials do not present guidance on how the categories impact learning. There is a missed opportunity to support teachers in understanding the actual focus of the objectives due to this structure. Throughout the modules, the elements of the three-dimensionsional learning objectives are not consistently present within the opportunities for students. When DCI elements connected to the learning objectives are present, they are generally found in the Explore and Explain section of lessons, in which students read informational text, view interactive content online, and complete investigations. Below grade-band DCI elements are commonly present. 

Examples where materials have three-dimensional learning objectives but do not provide learning opportunities for students to use and develop the respective three dimensions:

  • Unit 1, Module 2: Principles of Ecology lists eight three-dimensional learning objectives; six Build to PEs (HS-LS1-5, HS-LS1-6, HS-LS1-7, HS-LS2-1, HS-LS2-2, HS-LS2-5) and two Master PEs (HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4) representing a total of 23 elements; 10 DCIs, six SEPs, and seven CCCs. Across the  module, some of the elements from the three-dimensional learning objectives are addressed. In Lesson 1: Organisms and Their Relationships: SEP Quick Practice, students work in groups to develop a presentation demonstrating how the levels of organization within an ecosystem are related (SEP-MOD-H3, CCC-SYS-H3). In Lesson 2: Flow of Energy in an Ecosystem, students read that autotrophs make energy available for other organisms in an ecosystem (DCI-LS2.B-H1). In the CCC Crosscutting Concepts, students create a physical model of a food chain to describe the flow of energy and matter through the system (CCC-EM-H2, SEP-MOD-H3). Students complete the Virtual Investigation: Model Ecosystems by dragging and dropping organisms into an ecological pyramid. Once organisms are placed in the correct location, the simulation calculates an energy pyramid; demonstrating that less energy is available at the top of the pyramid (DCI-LS2.B-H2, SEP-MOD-H3, CCC-SYS-H3, CCC-EM-H2). In Lesson 3: Cycling of Matter: SEP Quick Practice students make models of the nutrient cycles they read about (SEP-MOD-H3, DCI-LS1.C-H3). While there are three-dimensional learning objectives, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop numerous grade-band elements included in the learning objectives.

  • Unit 2, Module 9: Cellular Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction lists four three-dimensional learning objectives; two Build to PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS3-2) and two Master PEs (HS-LS1-4, HS-LS3-1) representing a total of six DCIs, four SEPs, and three CCCs. Across the  module, some of the elements from the three-dimensional learning objectives are addressed. In Lesson 1: Cellular Reproduction, students read about the cell cycle and mitosis (DCI-LS1.B-H1). In the CCC Crosscutting Concepts, students make a model demonstrating the cell cycle, taking into consideration its limitations and in the BioLab: Does sunlight affect mitosis in yeast?, students consider the cause and effect of  sunlight on yeast mitosis (CCC-CE-H2). In Lesson 2: Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction, students read about meiosis (DCI-LS1.B-H1) and chromosomal abnormalities. In the CCC Crosscutting Concepts, students write a summary paragraph explaining the causes and effects of variation in traits as a result of crossing over (CCC-CE-H2) and in the Module Wrap-Up: Go Further, students examine a graph and write a CER about the effect of motor proteins on cell division (CCC-CE-H2). While there are three-dimensional learning objectives, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop any SEP elements and numerous grade-band elements included in the learning objectives.

  • Unit 3, Module 10: Introduction to Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance lists two three-dimensional learning objectives; one Build to PE (HS-LS3-2) and one Master PE (HS-LS3-3) representing a total of seven elements; three DCIs, two SEPs, and two CCCs. Across the  module, some of the elements from the three-dimensional learning objectives are addressed. In Lesson 2: Genetic Recombination and Gene Linkage, students make a chromosome map using data and modeling materials to explain how their model shows the probability of crossing over (DCI-LS3.B-H1). In Lesson 5: Complex Patterns of Inheritance: SEP Quick Practice, students make a claim about pictured rabbits and support their claim with evidence from the text (SEP-ARG-H5). They read about complex patterns of inheritance and complete lab activities related to heritable traits. After students work through the readings, interactive content, and investigations, teachers are prompted to demonstrate gene expression in mustard seeds. Mustard seeds are planted in petri dishes and allowed to germinate in different environments (light and dark), demonstrating the influence the environment has on gene expression (DCI-LS3.B-H2). While there are three-dimensional learning objectives, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop any CCC elements and numerous grade-band elements included in the learning objectives.

  • Unit 4, Module 16: Organizing Life’s Diversity lists two three-dimensional learning objectives; two Master PEs (HS-LS4-1, HS-LS4-4) representing a total of six elements; two DCIs, two SEPs, and two CCCs. Across the module, some of the elements from the three-dimensional learning objectives are addressed. In Lesson 2: Modern Classification, students read and view interactive content about methods used to reveal phylogeny and how species are classified through molecular genetics  (DCI-LS4.A-H1). In the CCC Crosscutting Concepts, students use what they have learned to identify patterns of genetic information and write a report about the evidence for common ancestry and biological evolution between chimpanzees and gorillas (DCI-LS4.A-H1). While there are three-dimensional learning objectives, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop any SEP and CCC elements and numerous grade-band elements included in the learning objectives.

  • Unit 5, Module 18: Protists and Fungi lists three three-dimensional learning objectives; three Expand on PEs (HS-LS2-4, HS-LS4-5, HS-LS4-6) representing a total of 11 elements; five DCIs, three SEPs, and three CCCs. Through the various learning activities, student learning experiences provide opportunities to learn about classification, environmental impacts, and specific characteristics of a variety of protists. While there are three-dimensional learning objectives, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop any of the grade-band elements included in the learning objectives.

  • Unit 6, Module 27: The Immune System lists five three-dimensional learning objectives; one Master PE (HS-LS1-3) and four Expand on PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS1-2, HS-LS4-3, HS-LS4-4) representing a total of 17 elements; eight DCIs, four SEPs, and five CCCs. Across the module, some of the elements from the three-dimensional learning objectives are addressed. In Lesson 2: The Immune System, students read about how the specialized cells of the immune system work together to protect the body from pathogens (DCI-LS1.A-H1). In Lesson 3: Noninfectious Disorders, students read about how some diseases are not caused by pathogens, but by genes that do not function properly (DCI-LS1.A-H2). In the Quick Investigation: Compare Cancerous and Healthy Cells, students compare and contrast the characteristics of cancerous and healthy cells (DCI-LS1.A-H4, CCC-PAT-H1). While there are three-dimensional learning objectives, there is a missed opportunity for students to use and develop any SEP elements and numerous grade-band elements included in the learning objectives.

Indicator 1H

Materials are designed to elicit direct, observable evidence for three-dimensional learning.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School do not meet expectations that they are designed to elicit direct, observable evidence for three-dimensional learning in the instructional materials. 

While the materials consistently provide three-dimensional learning objectives at the module level, the assessment tasks across the modules and lessons miss the opportunity to consistently reveal student knowledge and use of the three dimensions to support formative progress toward the learning objectives. The three-dimensional objectives are the NGSS Performance Expectations (PEs) and, depending on the module, are presented as one of three categories: Build to PEs, Master PEs, and Expand on PEs. Modules vary from one to eight in the number of PEs listed and whether or not they include one, two, or all three of these categories; however, materials do not present guidance on how the categories impact or clarify the focus of learning and assessment. 

At the unit level, the materials present a Science Probe at the start of all units to assess student preconceptions and prior learning. At the module level, Module Pre-Tests are used to inform planning for the module, as they address prior grade-band elements and are not intended to address grade-band elements associated with learning objectives of the modules. In the Module Wrap-ups, additional module-level formative assessments include informational texts with a prompt on Nature of Science, STEM at Work, Scientific Breakthroughs, or Science and Society topics and a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) prompt which is often connected to a DCI and constructing explanations and designing solutions SEPs, most commonly SEP-CEDS-H2 and SEP-CEDS-H3. Across the lessons, the majority of formative assessments are called Get it? and are embedded throughout the informational texts of the lessons. Get It? assessments are consistently one-dimensional in nature with prompts to provide short answer responses. Formative Assessment Checks are additional lesson-level formative assessments that, for example, are either short answer questions, creating a t-chart, or making flashcards. Along with Get It? Assessments, Formative Assessment Checks address one DCI or CCC, but not consistently, and often the elements addressed are not found in the learning objectives. Across the formative assessment opportunities within the modules, there is a missed opportunity to address numerous elements from the learning objectives for the module. 

The materials also include an online Three-Dimensional Assessment Guide which provides guided and independent practice for students along with teacher support. Prompts include discrete items, stand-alone questions, and performance tasks that can be used either before or after instruction of the topics. The materials present these as an optional resource for student practice with assessments.

While the majority of formative assessment tasks across the materials have an answer key, few indicate how the teacher could adjust instruction based on results of the assessment. In some instances, specific criteria and “look-fors” are provided to assess student learning. Formative Assessment Checks offer some remediation activities like using physical models, diagrams, and flow charts to reinforce topics.

Examples where materials are not designed to elicit direct, observable evidence for three-dimensional learning, but some instructional guidance is present:

  • Unit 1, Module 2: Principles of Ecology includes six Build to PEs (HS-LS1-5, HS-LS1-6, HS-LS1-7, HS-LS2-1, HS-LS2-2, and HS-LS2-5) and two Master PEs (HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4) representing 19 elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, eight Get It? tasks, four Formative Assessment Checks, a STEM at Work reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, few of the formative assessments address elements from the learning objectives. In Lesson 1: Get It?, students explain how physical and computer models help design solutions for ecological problems (CCC-SYS-H3). After the STEM at Work reading, students explain how computer models predict an ecosystem’s future (DCI-LS2.C-H1, CCC-SYS-H3). In the CER response at the module’s end, students explain why a bird nests in a thorny tree (SEP-CEDS-H2). Across the module, there is a missed opportunity for the formative assessments to reveal student knowledge and use of numerous grade-band, three-dimensional elements in the eight learning objectives. Three of the Formative Assessment Checks contain remediation ideas and include the options of creating flashcards and physical models. The STEM at Work reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. The formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

  • Unit 1, Module 3: Communities, Biomes, and Ecosystems includes four Build to PEs (HS-LS2-2, HS-LS2-5, HS-LS2-7, and HS-LS4-6) and one Master PE (HS-LS2-6) representing 14 elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, five Get It? tasks, five Formative Assessment Checks, a Science and Society reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, few of the formative assessments address elements from the learning objectives. In Lesson 1: Formative Assessment Check, students answer a question about primary and secondary succession (DCI-LS2.C-H1). In Lesson 2: Formative Assessment Check, students answer questions about biomes, abundance of resources (DCI-LS2.C-H1), and changes that could impact a biome (CCC-SC-H1). The Science and Society reading prompts students to brainstorm how people can stop deforestation in the Amazon rainforest (DCI-LS2.C-H2). Across the module, there is a missed opportunity for the formative assessments to reveal student knowledge and use of any SEPs and numerous grade-band, three-dimensional elements in the five learning objectives. One Formative Assessment Check includes a remediation option where students color code and label a world map of terrestrial biomes. The Science and Society reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. The formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

  • Unit 2, Module 7: Cellular Structure and Function includes three Build to PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS1-5, and HS-LS3-1) and one Master PE (HS-LS1-3) representing 13 elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, 11 Get It? tasks, six Formative Assessment Checks, a Nature of Science reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, none of the formative assessments in the module address the grade-band elements from the learning objectives. In Lesson 1: Get It?, students compare eukaryotes and prokaryotes. In Lesson 3: Formative Assessment Check, students are asked to answer questions about movement across the cell membrane. After the Nature of Science reading, students design a pamphlet explaining how mitochondria might play a role in a disease. Across the module, there is a missed opportunity for the formative assessments to reveal student knowledge and use of any grade-band three dimensional elements in the four learning objectives. Four of the Formative Assessment Checks contain remediation ideas: options include creating flashcards, a concept map, sentences with vocabulary, and physical models. The Nature of Science reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. The formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

  • Unit 2, Module 8: Cellular Energy includes two Build To PEs (HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4) and three Master PEs (HS-LS1-5, HS-LS1-7, and HS-LS2-5) representing 14 elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, three Get It? tasks, five Formative Assessment Checks, a Scientific Breakthroughs reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, some of the formative assessments address either a DCI, CCC, or SEP from the learning objectives; however, the prompts are consistently one- or two-dimensional in nature. In Lesson 1: Formative Assessment Check, students are prompted to answer if energy can be created (CCC-EM-H3). In Lesson 3: Formative Assessment Check, students describe the type of energy that glucose is converted into during cellular respiration (CCC-EM-H2, DCI-LS1.C-H4). After the Scientific Breakthroughs reading, students construct explanations (SEP-CEDS-H2), one of which is on the global impact of changing energy efficiency utilizing the process of photosynthesis (DCI-LS1.C-H1). Across the module, there is a missed opportunity for the formative assessments to reveal student knowledge and use of numerous grade-band, three-dimensional elements within the five learning objectives. Three of the Formative Assessment Checks contain remediation ideas: options include selecting true or false statements, creating a two-column chart of information and writing statements on photosynthesis then clarifying with a partner. The Scientific Breakthroughs reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. The formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

  • Unit 3, Module 10: Introduction to Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance includes one Build To PE (HS-LS3-2) and one Master PE (HS-LS3-3) representing six elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, 12 Get It? tasks, six Formative Assessment Checks, a STEM at Work reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, few of the formative assessments address elements from the learning objectives. In Lesson 1: Get It?, students infer why it was important that Mendel use a true-breeding plant (DCI-LS3.B-H1). In Lesson 5: Get It?, students explain how multiple alleles can yield a greater number of possible outcomes (CCC-CE-H1). The STEM at Work reading prompts students to analyze gene mutation (DCI-LS3.B-H1). Across the module, there is a missed opportunity for the formative assessments to reveal student knowledge and use of any SEPs and numerous grade-band, three-dimensional elements within the two learning objectives. Remediation ideas are found in five Formative Assessment Checks: options include modeling to understand a concept, developing flash cards, creating a diagram to show a process, and completing practice problems. The STEM at Work reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. All formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

  • Unit 3, Module 12: Biotechnology includes one Build to PE (HS-LS4-1) and two Expand on PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS3-1) representing 10 elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, seven Get it? tasks, three Formative Assessment Checks, an Engineering and Technology reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, none of the formative assessments in the module address elements of the learning objectives. For example, in Lesson 1: Get It?, students explain the difference between the blunt ends and sticky ends of DNA. In Lesson 2: Get It?, students summarize the types of information learned from DNA analysis. In the CER prompt, students revise their initial claim from the module’s start about "What is this scientist putting into the tube?". Across the module, there is a missed opportunity for the formative assessments to reveal student knowledge and use of any grade-band, three-dimensional elements in the three learning objectives. Two Formative Assessment Checks contain remediation ideas and include the options of developing a flowchart and developing a physical model. The Engineering and Technology reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. The majority of formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

  • Unit 4, Module 13: The History of Life includes one Build To PE (HS-LS4-1) representing three elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, six Get it? tasks, three Formative Assessment Checks, a Nature of Science reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, one of the formative assessments addresses a DCI from the learning objectives. In Lesson 2: Get It?, students explain how biological evidence, including DNA, helps scientists learn about early life on earth (DCI-LS4.A-H1). Across the module, there is a missed opportunity for the formative assessments to reveal student knowledge and use of the SEP, CCC and grade-band, three-dimensional elements in the learning objective. Two of the Formative Assessment Checks contain remediation ideas: options include students creating a matching game and serving as mentors to other students. The Nature of Science reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. The formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

  • Unit 4, Module 16: Organizing Life’s Diversity includes two Master PEs (HS-LS4-1, HS-LS4-4) representing six elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, six Get it? tasks, four Formative Assessment Checks, a Scientific Breakthroughs reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, few of the formative assessments address elements from the learning objectives. In Lesson 1: Get It?, students explain why classification (DCI-LS4.A-H1) is a useful tool. In Lesson 2: Get It?, students address mutation rates (DCI-LS4.A-H1) as molecular clocks. After the Scientific Breakthroughs reading, students clarify how newly discovered organisms are classified and how DNA can be pieced together (DCI-LS4.A-H1). In the CER prompt, students explain why butterflies have a similar structure but different colors (SEP-CEDS-H2, DCI-LS4.A-H1). Across the module, there is a missed opportunity for the formative assessments to reveal student knowledge and use of any CCCs and numerous grade-band, three-dimensional elements in the two learning objectives. Three of the Formative Assessment Checks contain remediation ideas and include discussing a visual of taxonomic structure, reconstructing an informational table, and reviewing pictures of organisms. The Scientific Breakthroughs reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. The formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

  • Unit 5, Module 17: Bacteria and Viruses includes two Expand on PEs (HS-LS4-3, HS-LS4-5) representing 10 elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, four Get it? tasks, three Formative Assessment Checks, a Nature of Science reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, few of the formative assessments address elements from the learning objectives. In Lesson 1: Get It?, students summarize the importance of photosynthesis and cellular metabolism in bacteria (DCI-LS1.C-H4), and in Lesson 1: Formative Assessment Check, students describe how endospores ensure the survival of a population of bacteria (DCI-LS1.C-H2). Across the module, there is a missed opportunity for the formative assessments to reveal student knowledge and use of any SEPs and CCCs and numerous grade-band, three-dimensional elements in the two learning objectives. Two of the Formative Assessment Checks contain remediation ideas and include labeling a diagram and redrawing a diagram then writing sentences to describe each part. The Nature of Science reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. The formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

  • Unit 5, Module 20: Introduction to Animals includes two Expand on PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS1-2) representing seven elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, nine Get It? tasks, four Formative Assessment Checks, a Nature of Science reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, some of the formative assessments address either a DCI or SEP from the learning objectives. In Lesson 1: Get It?, students describe the difference between blastula and gastrula (DCI-LS1.A-H1). In Lesson 1: Formative Assessment Check, students answer questions related to the stages of cell differentiation (DCI-LS1.A-H2). In the Nature of Science reading, students research human cerebral symmetry and evaluate the validity and reliability of the information contained in the sources (SEP-CEDS-H2). Across the module, there is a missed opportunity for the formative assessments to reveal student knowledge and use of any CCCs and numerous grade-band, three-dimensional elements in the two learning objectives. Remediation ideas are found in three Formative Assessment Checks and include options such as modeling to understand a concept, developing flash cards, and creating a diagram to show a process. The Nature of Science reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. The formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

  • Unit 6, Module 23: Nervous System includes two Expand On PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS1-2) representing seven elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, nine Get It? tasks, five Formative Assessment Checks, an Engineering and Technology reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, few of the formative assessments address elements from the learning objectives. In Lesson 2: Get It?, students explain why the nervous system is essential to the human body (DCI-LS1.A-H1). With the CER prompt, students construct an explanation based on evidence to explain why a pain response is a good thing when you step on toys (DCI-LS1.A-H1, DCI-LS1.A-H3). Across the module, there is a missed opportunity for the formative assessments to reveal student knowledge and use of any SEPs and CCCs and numerous grade-band, three-dimensional elements in the two learning objectives. Remediation ideas are found in four Formative Assessment Checks and include options such as constructing a flipbook of a process, organizing information in a two-column chart, and modeling. The Engineering and Technology reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. The formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

  • Unit 6, Module 26: Human Reproduction and Development includes four Expand on PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS1-2, HS-LS1-3, and HS-LS1-4) representing 11 elements. The formative assessments include a Module Pretest, five Get It? tasks, four Formative Assessment Checks, a Scientific Breakthroughs reading, and a CER prompt. Throughout the module, the formative assessments provide opportunities for students to describe, summarize, or explain content. Across the module, few of the formative assessments address elements from the learning objectives. In Lesson 1: Formative Assessment Check, students answer prompts about the processes and advantages of meiosis (DCI-LS3.B-H1). In Lesson 2: Formative Assessment Check, students explain what keeps females from ovulating once pregnant (DCI-LS1.A-H4). After the Scientific Breakthrough reading, students write a persuasive essay and analyze ideas about predicting premature birth (DCI-LS3.B-H1). Across the module, there is a missed opportunity to address any CCCs and SEPs and numerous elements from the four learning objectives. Remediation ideas are found in three Formative Assessment Checks: options include index cards to put in order, drawing graphics to represent relationships, and drawing a step-by-step chart of the stages of pregnancy. The Scientific Breakthroughs reading and CER prompt do not provide an answer key but provide criteria and “look-fors” to assess student learning. The formative assessments embedded in the lessons provide an answer key; however, guidance is not provided for how to use the formative assessment data to support the instructional process.

Indicator 1I

Materials are designed to elicit evidence of three-dimensional learning.

Indicator 1I.i

Materials are designed to elicit direct, observable evidence of three-dimensional learning.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that they are designed to elicit direct, observable evidence of three-dimensional learning.

The learning objectives are three-dimensional; however, summative tasks are not designed to consistently measure student achievement of the targeted three-dimensional learning objectives. The three-dimensional objectives are the NGSS Performance Expectations (PEs) and, depending on the module, are listed in one of three categories: Build to PEs, Master PEs, and Expand on PEs. Modules vary from one to eight in the number of PEs listed and whether or not they include one, two, or all three of these categories. The materials do not present guidance on how the categories impact summative assessments, except for the Master PEs where each has an associated summative activity called Applying Practices.

The materials include three types of summative assessments that are accessed on the online platform: Lesson Checks, Module Tests, and Applying Practices activities. All modules have Lesson Checks and a Module Test, and 17 of the 27 modules include one or more Applying Practices activities. Lesson Checks and Module Tests include multiple choice, one word fill-ins, short answer prompts, and matching questions. The majority of individual prompts in these assessments are one-dimensional and based on either key concepts or disciplinary core ideas. When the Lesson Checks and Module Tests measure student achievement of the targeted three-dimensional learning objectives, they most consistently address DCIs, occasionally CCCs, and rarely SEPs. When individual prompts do not address the module’s learning objectives, grade-band elements of the associated PEs are either not present or the prompts address elements outside of the objectives (elements from Physical or Earth Science PEs or middle school grade-band elements). Two of the 27 modules contain both Lesson Checks and a Module Test where no three-dimensional elements of the learning objectives are assessed. Applying Practices assessments are found in 17 of the 27 modules and are consistently three dimensional in nature and commonly allow for individual student demonstration with some opportunities for group work. Across all of the units, Module 14 and Module 16 are the only learning sequences that include summative assessments that collectively measure student achievement of all elements in the module’s learning objectives. Both of these modules list only Master PEs for the learning objectives. While the Applying Practices, when present, consistently address three dimensions related to the targeted learning objectives, there is a missed opportunity for the collective summative assessment tasks across the module to consistently address numerous elements from the three-dimensional learning objectives.

Additional summative assessment opportunities include Module Vocabulary Practice, located at the end of each module, and STEM Unit Projects, at the end of each unit. The Module Vocabulary Practice is found online and focuses specifically on vocabulary development. The STEM Unit Projects are introduced at the beginning of each unit and referenced at the end of each module within the unit. Students are presented with a scenario and in most instances, conduct additional research, along with adding what they learned in each module, to address the scenario. STEM Unit Projects are group based, missing the opportunity to support teachers in understanding individual progress related to the module-level learning objectives across the unit.

Example where summative tasks are designed to measure student achievement of the targeted three-dimensional learning objectives:

  • Unit 4, Module 14: Evolution contains four Master PEs (HS-LS4-1, HS-LS4-2, HS-LS4-3, and HS-LS4-4) representing 11 elements. Across the module, the summative assessments include one Lesson Check for each of the three lessons, one Module Test, and four Applying Practices activities (two in Lesson 2 and two in Lesson 3). The questions in the Module Test focus on concepts of evolution, but do not address the three-dimensional elements of the learning objectives. Across all the Lesson Checks, the prompts are consistently one-dimensional, the majority of which focus on DCIs, while two address CCCs, and one touches on an SEP. For example, in Lesson 3: Lesson Check, students answer three multiple choice questions, sort statements into two categories, and complete two short answer prompts. Some prompts focus on specific DCIs: traits for survival (DCI-LS4.B-H2) and natural selection (DCI-LS4.C-H1, DCI-LS4.C-H2). The short answer questions prompt students to explain population change over time when a trait positively affects survival and to explain convergent evolution (DCI-LS4.C-H2, SEP-CEDS-H2, CCC-CE-H1). All four Applying Practices activities are three dimensional and consistently incorporate a DCI, CCC, and SEP, though not always the elements specific to the task’s associated Master PE. For example, in Lesson 3, Applying Practices: Can Scientists Model Natural Selection?, students model natural selection by picking up different sized beads (prey) with different sized tools (predator) over multiple trials (generations) and then construct an explanation (SEP-CEDS-H2) of the effects (CCC-CE-H1) on survival due to physical adaptations (DCI-LS4.B-H1, DCI-LS4.C-H1). Across the module, the summative assessments collectively address all grade-band, three-dimensional elements of the learning objectives.

  • Unit 4, Module 16: Organizing Life’s Diversity contains two Master PEs (HS-LS4-1, HS-LS4-4) representing six elements. Across the module, the summative assessment tasks include one Lesson Check for each of the three lessons, one Module Test, and one Applying Practices activity in Lesson 2. Lesson Checks and the Module Test focus on concepts and do not address any elements of the associated learning objectives; however, the Applying Practices activity assesses all three elements of both Master PEs. In Lesson 2, Applying Practices: Common Ancestry, Adaptations, and Biological Evolution, students research a specific organism's evolution and the different lines of evidence for ancestry (DCI-LS4.A-H1, CCC-PAT-H1, SEP-INFO-H5). Using this information, students combine their research with others to present evidence and explain how natural selection affects adaptations and how organisms are related (DCI-LS4.C-H2, CCC-CE-H1, SEP-CEDS-H2). While the Lesson Checks and Module Test do not connect to the targeted three-dimensional learning objectives of the module, the summative assessments collectively address all grade-band, three-dimensional elements of the learning objectives.

Examples where summative tasks are partially designed to measure student achievement of the targeted three-dimensional learning objectives:

  • Unit 1, Module 2: Principles of Ecology contains six Build To PEs (HS-LS1-5, HS-LS1-6, HS-LS1-7, HS-LS2-1, HS-LS2-2, and HS-LS2-5) and two Master PEs (HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4) representing 19 elements. Across the module, the summative assessments include one Lesson Check for each of the three lessons, one Module Test, and two Applying Practices activities (one in Lesson 2 and one in Lesson 3). The summative assessment tasks partially assess students’ achievement of the identified PEs. The Lesson 1: Lesson Check provides an opportunity for students to answer questions about biotic and abiotic factors, levels of organization, and interactions within an ecosystem (DCI-LS2.A-H1). The Module Test addresses topics such as abiotic and biotic factors, producers and consumers, and biogeochemical cycles (DCI-LS2.A-H1). The two Applying Practices activities are three dimensional and address all three grade-band elements of the Master PEs. For example, in Lesson 2, the Applying Practices: Ecological Pyramids, students construct a pyramid of biomass for an ecosystem based on primary and secondary consumers (DCI.LS2.B-H2), use evidence collected from data to provide evidence of biomass (SEP-MATH-H2), and show how energy is converted (CCC-EM-H3). While the Applying Practices activities are three dimensional and connect to their targeted three-dimensional learning objectives, there is a missed opportunity for the collective summative assessments to address numerous elements of the learning objectives. 

  • Unit 2, Module 6: Chemistry in Biology contains three Build to PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS1-7, and HS-LS3-1) and one Master PE (HS-LS1-6) representing 13 elements. Across the module, the summative assessment tasks include one Lesson Check for each of the four lessons, one Module Test, and one Applying Practices activity in Lesson 4. The summative assessment tasks partially assess students’ achievement of the identified PEs. Across the Lesson Checks, no grade-band elements from the learning objectives are addressed. In the Module Test, students are asked to explain the importance of enzyme specificity and activation energy as molecules and energy move through body systems (DCI-LS1.C-H3). In the Lesson 4, Applying Practices: Exploring Macromolecules students use a kit to create a macromolecule subunit (DCI-LS1.C-H2), connect its characteristics to its function, and then research and present findings in a 10-15 minute presentation describing how the subunit connects to other subunits to form a macromolecule (SEP-CEDS-H2). There is a missed opportunity for the collective summative assessments to address numerous elements of the learning objectives. 

  • Unit 2, Module 7: Cellular Structure and Function contains three Build to PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS1-5, and HS-LS3-1) and one Master PE (HS-LS1-3) representing 13 elements. Across the module, the summative assessment tasks include one Lesson Check for each of the four lessons, one Module Test, and one Applying Practices activity in Lesson 3. The summative assessment tasks partially assess students’ achievement of the identified PEs. For example, in Lesson 1: Lesson Check, students identify that all cells in living things contain the same genetic information (DCI-LS1.A-H2). In the Module Test, students identify the importance of the movement of molecules and water across the cell membrane in response to changes (DCI-LS1.A-H4). The Lesson 3, Applying Practices: Investigate Osmosis, is three dimensional and assesses all elements of the Master PE: students plan and conduct an investigation (SEP-INV-H1) to examine what happens to onion cells when placed in a strong salt concentration, sketch observations, analyze data, identify the influence of solute concentration, and explain how to return the cell to normal size via osmosis (DCI-LS1.A-H4, CCC-SC-H3). While the Applying Practices activity is three dimensional and connects to the targeted three-dimensional learning objective, there is a missed opportunity for the collective summative assessments to address numerous elements of the learning objectives.

  • Unit 2, Module 9: Cellular Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction contains two Build to PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS3-2) and two Master PEs (HS-LS1-4, HS-LS3-1) representing 13 elements. Across the module, the summative assessment tasks include one Lesson Check for each of the two lessons, one Module Test, and two Applying Practices activities in Lesson 2. The summative assessment tasks partially assess students’ achievement of the identified PEs. In Lesson 1: Lesson Check, students describe the cell cycle (DCI-LS1.B-H1), and in Lesson 2: Lesson Check, students place the steps of meiosis in order (DCI-LS3.B-H1). In the Module Test, students categorize statements as either the process of mitosis or meiosis (DCI-LS1.B-H1, DCI-LS3.B-H1). The Lesson 2, Applying Practices: Mitosis and Cellular Differentiation, is three-dimensional and assesses all elements of a Master PE. Students use a model (SEP-MOD-H3, CCC-SYS-H3) to illustrate cell division and differentiation (DCI-LS1.B-H1). While the Applying Practices activity on mitosis is three-dimensional and connects to the targeted three-dimensional learning objective, there is a missed opportunity for the collective summative assessments to address numerous elements of the learning objectives.

  • Unit 3, Module 12: Biotechnology contains one Build to PE (HS-LS4-1) and two Expand on PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS3-1) representing 10 elements. Across the module, the summative assessment tasks include one Lesson Check for each of the two lessons and one Module Test. The summative assessment tasks partially assess students’ achievement of the identified PEs. In Lesson 1: Lesson Check, students consider the reasons the protein coding regions of DNA are similar in humans (DCI-LS3.A-H1). In Lesson 2: Lesson Check and the Module Test, students identify and describe different ways genetic information is obtained and evaluated (DCI-LS1.A-H2). There is a missed opportunity for the collective summative assessments to address any SEPs and CCCs and numerous elements of the learning objectives.

  • Unit 5, Module 17: Bacteria and Viruses contains two Expand on PEs (HS-LS4-3, HS-LS4-5) representing 10 elements. Across the module, the summative assessment tasks include one Lesson Check for each of the two lessons and one Module Test. The summative assessment tasks partially assess students’ achievement of the identified PEs. In Lesson 1: Lesson Check, students answer a question about bacteria producing dormant cells to withstand harsh conditions in order to survive (DCI-LS4.B-H1). There is a missed opportunity for the collective summative assessments to address any SEPs and CCCs and numerous elements of the learning objectives.

  • Unit 5, Module 19: Introduction to Plants contains two Expand on PEs (HS-LS1-1, HS-LS1-5) and two Master PEs (HS-LS1-2, HS-LS1-3) representing 13 elements. Across the module, the summative assessment tasks include one Lesson Check for each of the three lessons, one Module Test, and two Applying Practices activities in Lesson 2. The summative assessment tasks partially assess students’ achievement of the identified PEs. Across the Lesson Checks and Module Test, no elements from the learning objectives are addressed; however, both Applying Practices activities address all three dimensions of their associated Master PEs. For example, in Lesson 2, Applying Practices: Hierarchical Organization in Multicellular Organisms, students model the movement of water and nutrients through a plant from soil to tissue (SEP-MOD-H3), use their model to answer questions about the hierarchical layers of the plant structure (DCI-LS1.A-H3), and summarize the process of two systems communicating and working together (CCC-SYS-H3). While the Applying Practices activities are three dimensional and connect to the targeted three-dimensional learning objectives, there is a missed opportunity for the collective summative assessments to address numerous elements of the learning objectives.

  • Unit 6, Module 22: Integumentary, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems contains one Expand on PE (HS-LS1-1) and two Master PEs (HS-LS1-2, HS-LS1-3) representing 10 elements. Across the module, the summative assessment tasks include one Lesson Check for each of the three lessons, one Module Test, and one Applying Practices activity in Lesson 1. The summative assessment tasks partially assess students’ achievement of the identified PEs. The Module Test does not address any elements of the learning objectives. In Lesson 3: Lesson Check, students describe how smooth muscles differ from other muscles (DCI-LS1.A-H1) and evaluate how the structure of slow-twitch muscles allows them to function differently (CCC-SF-H1). In Lesson 1, Applying Practices: Hierarchical Organization in the Human Body, students develop and use a model (SEP-MOD-H3) to illustrate the human body’s organization of cells, tissues, and organs (DCI-LS1.A-H3) and describe how each organizational level from cells to body systems responds to exercise (DCI-LS1.A-H4, CCC-SC-H3). While the Applying Practices activity is three dimensional, not all elements of the Master PEs are addressed. Across the module, there is a  missed opportunity for the collective summative assessments to address some elements of the learning objectives.

Indicator 1I.ii

Materials are designed to incorporate three-dimensional performance tasks.

The instructional materials reviewed for High School partially meet expectations that they consistently provide performance tasks that are focused on figuring out uncertain phenomena or problems and are two- or three-dimensional in nature: there are two- and three-dimensional performance tasks focused on figuring out uncertain phenomena or problems, but not consistently across the materials.

The seven performance tasks present, within four of the six units, are Applying Practices activities that assess either one or two Performance Expectations (PEs), which are a subset of the module-level, three-dimensional learning objectives for the program. Applying Practices occur in 17 of 27 modules, yet those that contain performance tasks occur in five modules. Module 5 contains three Applying Practices that are performance tasks focused on figuring out uncertain phenomena or problems and the other four modules each contain one performance task. When Applying Practices activities do not require students to explain a phenomenon or solve a problem, students instead create posters that demonstrate knowledge from the lessons, write quizzes for other students, or prepare presentations based on the lessons and intended for other students in the class.

Examples of performance tasks that are focused on figuring out uncertain phenomena or problems:

  • In Unit 2, Module 7, Lesson 3, Applying Practices: Investigate Osmosis, students apply their understanding of osmosis to determine the response of plant and animal cells in different solutions (hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic). Students plan and conduct an investigation (SEP-INV-H1) to examine what happens to onion cells when placed in a strong salt solution. They sketch observations, and analyze data to determine if their prediction is correct. Using osmosis, students explain (DCI-LS1.A-H4) how they might return the cell to normal size by identifying the solute concentration influence (CCC-CE-H2). As an extension, students consider how the movement of water might be different in animal cells. This performance task is three dimensional by design: it assesses the DCI and SEP associated with the PE (PE-HS-LS1-3) along with a CCC from a different PE.

  • In Unit 4, Module 14, Lesson 3, Applying Practices: Pest Management and Natural Selection, students apply their understanding of natural selection to solve the problem of insects developing resistance to genetically modified corn. Students analyze the results of two GMO models to determine which genetically modified corn maintains resistance to pests longer (SEP-DATA-H2) and consider the effects of natural selection on pest resistance (DCI-LS4.C-H2, DCI-LS4.B-H1, DCI-LS4.B-H2). Students choose which of the GMO methods will delay resistance to pests and provide evidence to support the presence of any of the four factors of evolution in the data (DCI-LS4.C-H1). Students then construct an explanation for how these processes result in evolution (CCC-CE-H1, SEP-CEDS-H2). This performance task assesses all three dimensions of the associated Performance Expectation (HS-LS4-2).

  • In Unit 5, Module 19, Lesson 2, Applying Practices: Investigate Homeostasis in Plants, students apply their understanding of homeostasis and feedback mechanisms to recommend certain plants for a vernal pool restoration. Students conduct online research to gather information on how plants that live in vernal pools use feedback mechanisms to maintain water levels they need to survive when conditions change between wet and dry (DCI-LS1.A-H4, CCC-SC-H3). To determine if a specific plant is suited for restoration of a vernal pool wetland, students plan an investigation (SEP-INV-H2) to produce data about a plant’s feedback mechanisms that allow survival in both wet and dry conditions. This performance task assesses all three dimensions of the associated Performance Expectation (HS-LS1-3).

Examples of where there are no performance tasks that are focused on figuring out uncertain phenomena or problems:

  • In Module 9: Cellular Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction, there are no performance tasks. The summative assessments include Lesson Checks and the Module Test which are multiple choice, short answer, or fill in the blank style questions. No performance tasks are associated with these activities. Lesson 2 contains two Applying Practice activities; however, these are not performance tasks focused on figuring out uncertain phenomena or problems. In Lesson 2, Applying Practice: Mitosis and Cellular Differentiation, students use what they learned from their reading to consider the best type of model (CCC-SYS-H3) and then develop and use one (SEP-MOD-H3) to illustrate mitosis and cell differentiation (DCI-LS1.B-H1). In Lesson 2, Applying Practices: Meiosis, students develop a diagram and create a quiz for classmates on the topic of meiosis (DCI-LS3.B-H1). In both instances, students are not explaining a phenomenon or solving a problem. Instead, students use previously learned information to create a model or quiz.

  • In Module 22: Integumentary, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems, there are no performance tasks. The summative assessments include Lesson Checks and the Module Test which are multiple choice, short answer, or fill in the blank style questions. No performance tasks are associated with these activities. Lesson 1 contains one Applying Practices activity; however, this is not a performance task that focuses on figuring out uncertain phenomena or problems. In Applying Practices: Hierarchical Organization in the Human Body, students develop and use a model (SEP-MOD-H3) to illustrate the interactions between body systems when exercising (DCI-LS1.A.H3, CCC-SC-H3). Instead of explaining a phenomenon or solving a problem, students use text and online resources to gather information and report on their findings.

Criterion 2.1: Coherence and Full Scope of the Three Dimensions

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.

Materials are coherent in design, scientifically accurate, and support claims made for all three dimensions.

NOTE: Indicators 2d-2e are non-negotiable; instructional materials being reviewed must score above zero points in each indicator; otherwise, the materials automatically do not proceed to Gateway 3.

Claims-Based Review: EdReports reviewers verify claims made by publishers regarding NGSS alignment rather than confirming the presence of all standards. For example, in a biology course, it is unlikely that all grade 9–12 NGSS Performance Expectations (PEs) be incorporated into that one course. In this case, EdReports will look for the presence of the standards that have been claimed through NGSS alignment documents and learning objectives. If claims are made above the element level, all elements for that target (Performance Expectations, component, sub-idea, etc.) are considered “claimed.” This is due to the grade-banded nature of the 9–12 NGSS PEs.

Indicator 2A

Materials provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop all claimed grade-band Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs).

Claims-Based Review: Indicator 2a focuses on collecting evidence across the entire course to determine the extent that the claimed grade-band disciplinary core ideas and their elements are included within the course.

Indicator 2B

Materials provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop all claimed grade-band Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs).

Claims-Based Review: Indicator 2b focuses on collecting evidence across the entire course to determine the extent that the claimed grade-band science and engineering practices and their elements are included within the course (including connections to Nature of Science (NOS) topics connected to the SEPs) and whether materials provide multiple and repeated opportunities with the claimed grade-band SEPs.

Indicator 2C

Materials provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop all claimed grade-band Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs).

Claims-Based Review: Indicator 2c focuses on collecting evidence across the entire course to determine the extent that the claimed grade-band crosscutting concepts and their elements are included within the course (including connections to Nature of Science (NOS) and Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment (STSE) topics connected to the CCCs) and whether materials provide multiple and repeated opportunities with the claimed grade-band CCCs.

Indicator 2D

Materials present Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) in a way that is scientifically accurate.

Indicator 2E

Materials do not inappropriately include scientific content and ideas outside of the grade-band Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs).

Indicator 2F

Materials are designed for students to build and connect their knowledge and use of the three dimensions across the course.

Indicator 2F.i

Materials support understanding of how the dimensions connect within and across units.

Indicator 2F.ii

Materials have an intentional sequence where student tasks increase in sophistication.

Criterion 2.1: Coherence and Full Scope of the Three Dimensions

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.

Materials are coherent in design, scientifically accurate, and support claims made for all three dimensions.

NOTE: Indicators 2d-2e are non-negotiable; instructional materials being reviewed must score above zero points in each indicator; otherwise, the materials automatically do not proceed to Gateway 3.

Claims-Based Review: EdReports reviewers verify claims made by publishers regarding NGSS alignment rather than confirming the presence of all standards. For example, in a biology course, it is unlikely that all grade 9–12 NGSS Performance Expectations (PEs) be incorporated into that one course. In this case, EdReports will look for the presence of the standards that have been claimed through NGSS alignment documents and learning objectives. If claims are made above the element level, all elements for that target (Performance Expectations, component, sub-idea, etc.) are considered “claimed.” This is due to the grade-banded nature of the 9–12 NGSS PEs.

Indicator 2A

Materials provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop all claimed grade-band Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs).

Claims-Based Review: Indicator 2a focuses on collecting evidence across the entire course to determine the extent that the claimed grade-band disciplinary core ideas and their elements are included within the course.

Indicator 2B

Materials provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop all claimed grade-band Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs).

Claims-Based Review: Indicator 2b focuses on collecting evidence across the entire course to determine the extent that the claimed grade-band science and engineering practices and their elements are included within the course (including connections to Nature of Science (NOS) topics connected to the SEPs) and whether materials provide multiple and repeated opportunities with the claimed grade-band SEPs.

Indicator 2C

Materials provide opportunities for students to fully learn and develop all claimed grade-band Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs).

Claims-Based Review: Indicator 2c focuses on collecting evidence across the entire course to determine the extent that the claimed grade-band crosscutting concepts and their elements are included within the course (including connections to Nature of Science (NOS) and Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment (STSE) topics connected to the CCCs) and whether materials provide multiple and repeated opportunities with the claimed grade-band CCCs.

Indicator 2D

Materials present Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) in a way that is scientifically accurate.

Indicator 2E

Materials do not inappropriately include scientific content and ideas outside of the grade-band Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs).

Indicator 2F

Materials are designed for students to build and connect their knowledge and use of the three dimensions across the course.

Indicator 2F.i

Materials support understanding of how the dimensions connect within and across units.

Indicator 2F.ii

Materials have an intentional sequence where student tasks increase in sophistication.

Criterion 3.1: Teacher Supports

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.

The program includes opportunities for teachers to effectively plan and utilize materials with integrity to further develop their own understanding of the content.

Indicator 3A

Materials provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to  enact the student materials and ancillary materials, with specific attention to  engaging students in figuring out phenomena and solving problems.

Indicator 3B

Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level/course-level concepts and concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.

Indicator 3C

Materials include standards correlation information, including connections to college- and career-ready ELA and mathematics standards, that explains the role of the standards in the  context of the overall series.

Indicator 3D

Materials provide strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents,  or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student  progress and achievement.

Indicator 3E

Materials provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and  identification of the research-based strategies.

Indicator 3F

Materials provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities.

Indicator 3G

Materials provide clear science safety guidelines for teachers and students across the instructional materials.

Indicator 3H

Materials designated for each grade are feasible and flexible for one school year.

Criterion 3.1: Teacher Supports

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.

The program includes opportunities for teachers to effectively plan and utilize materials with integrity to further develop their own understanding of the content.

Indicator 3A

Materials provide teacher guidance with useful annotations and suggestions for how to  enact the student materials and ancillary materials, with specific attention to  engaging students in figuring out phenomena and solving problems.

Indicator 3B

Materials contain adult-level explanations and examples of the more complex grade-level/course-level concepts and concepts beyond the current course so that teachers can improve their own knowledge of the subject.

Indicator 3C

Materials include standards correlation information, including connections to college- and career-ready ELA and mathematics standards, that explains the role of the standards in the  context of the overall series.

Indicator 3D

Materials provide strategies for informing all stakeholders, including students, parents,  or caregivers about the program and suggestions for how they can help support student  progress and achievement.

Indicator 3E

Materials provide explanations of the instructional approaches of the program and  identification of the research-based strategies.

Indicator 3F

Materials provide a comprehensive list of supplies needed to support instructional activities.

Indicator 3G

Materials provide clear science safety guidelines for teachers and students across the instructional materials.

Indicator 3H

Materials designated for each grade are feasible and flexible for one school year.

Criterion 3.2: Assessment

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.

The program includes a system of assessments identifying how materials provide tools, guidance, and support for teachers to collect, interpret, and act on data about student progress towards the standards.

Indicator 3I

Assessment information is included in the materials to indicate which standards  are assessed. 

Indicator 3J

Assessment system provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for  interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.

Indicator 3K

Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level/grade-band standards and elements across the series.

Indicator 3L

Assessments offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment. 

Criterion 3.2: Assessment

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.

The program includes a system of assessments identifying how materials provide tools, guidance, and support for teachers to collect, interpret, and act on data about student progress towards the standards.

Indicator 3I

Assessment information is included in the materials to indicate which standards  are assessed. 

Indicator 3J

Assessment system provides multiple opportunities throughout the grade, course, and/or series to determine students' learning and sufficient guidance to teachers for  interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.

Indicator 3K

Assessments include opportunities for students to demonstrate the full intent of grade-level/grade-band standards and elements across the series.

Indicator 3L

Assessments offer accommodations that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills without changing the content of the assessment. 

Criterion 3.3: Student Supports

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.

The program includes materials designed for each child’s regular and active participation in grade-level/grade-band/series content.

Indicator 3M

Materials provide strategies and supports for students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level/band science and engineering.

Indicator 3N

Materials provide extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage in learning grade-level/band science and engineering at greater depth.

Indicator 3O

Materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students  are expected to demonstrate their learning with opportunities for students to monitor their learning.

Indicator 3P

Materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.

Indicator 3Q

Materials provide strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak  in a language other than English to regularly participate in learning grade-level/band science and engineering.

Indicator 3R

Materials provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various  demographic and physical characteristics.

Indicator 3S

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to  facilitate learning. 

Indicator 3T

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning. 

Indicator 3U

Materials provide supports for different reading levels to ensure accessibility for students.

Indicator 3V

This is not an assessed indicator in Science.

Criterion 3.3: Student Supports

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.

The program includes materials designed for each child’s regular and active participation in grade-level/grade-band/series content.

Indicator 3M

Materials provide strategies and supports for students in special populations to support their regular and active participation in learning grade-level/band science and engineering.

Indicator 3N

Materials provide extensions and/or opportunities for students to engage in learning grade-level/band science and engineering at greater depth.

Indicator 3O

Materials provide varied approaches to learning tasks over time and variety in how students  are expected to demonstrate their learning with opportunities for students to monitor their learning.

Indicator 3P

Materials provide opportunities for teachers to use a variety of grouping strategies.

Indicator 3Q

Materials provide strategies and supports for students who read, write, and/or speak  in a language other than English to regularly participate in learning grade-level/band science and engineering.

Indicator 3R

Materials provide a balance of images or information about people, representing various  demographic and physical characteristics.

Indicator 3S

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student home language to  facilitate learning. 

Indicator 3T

Materials provide guidance to encourage teachers to draw upon student cultural and social backgrounds to facilitate learning. 

Indicator 3U

Materials provide supports for different reading levels to ensure accessibility for students.

Indicator 3V

This is not an assessed indicator in Science.

Criterion 3.4: Intentional Design

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.

The program includes a visual design that is engaging and references or integrates digital  technology, when applicable, with guidance for teachers.

Indicator 3W

Materials integrate technology such as interactive tools and/or dynamic software in ways that support student engagement in the three dimensions, when applicable.

Indicator 3X

Materials include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers  and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable.

Indicator 3Y

The visual design (whether in print or digital) supports students in engaging thoughtfully  with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic.

Indicator 3Z

Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and  enhance student learning, when applicable.

Criterion 3.4: Intentional Design

NE = Not Eligible. Product did not meet the threshold for review.

The program includes a visual design that is engaging and references or integrates digital  technology, when applicable, with guidance for teachers.

Indicator 3W

Materials integrate technology such as interactive tools and/or dynamic software in ways that support student engagement in the three dimensions, when applicable.

Indicator 3X

Materials include or reference digital technology that provides opportunities for teachers  and/or students to collaborate with each other, when applicable.

Indicator 3Y

The visual design (whether in print or digital) supports students in engaging thoughtfully  with the subject, and is neither distracting nor chaotic.

Indicator 3Z

Materials provide teacher guidance for the use of embedded technology to support and  enhance student learning, when applicable.