SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE: will be undergoing system maintenance from February 21-23, 2025. During this time, our website, email, and other related services may be temporarily unavailable. To contact us or stay informed, please follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Bluesky, Threads, and YouTube. We apologize for any inconvenience.
EdReports is committed to ensuring that our reviews and related resources meet the needs of educators nationwide. We value all questions, comments, or feedback and use these comments to improve our services.
Please let us know how you’ve used our reviews and resources. Send us your questions and suggestions for improvement. Interested in seeing a specific instructional material or title reviewed? Use the “Recommend materials to be reviewed” button on this page.
For media inquiries, please contact Janna Chan at
For HR requests/emails about job postings, please email at
To partner with EdReports, use this form to request a session with one of our experts to help you utilize our reviews for your materials adoption or implementation processes.
Meanwhile, check out our frequently asked questions, and we'll be in touch soon.